
Tuesday, June 30, 2015


home means you have the opportunity to eat what you want.  you seem to have all the ingredients in your fridge, freezer and pantry, so kl style hokkien noodles is it.  actually it's just to fix your cravings for carbs.
and it's just perfect for the autumn-ish day in the dutch summer.  you're not complaining after all you have concluded this sort of weather is more gentle to your overall well being.
happy friday!

10/17 鹿早茶室

鹿早茶室 you read about this tea room when you're doing the research for this trip.  tug in a small alley in the old town, it's almost impossible to identify the lane but you succeeded by asked the locals who point you to the right direction.
you're first seated on the second floor which is not nicely decorated but shortly just before you place your order you got a table at the nicely decorated tatami first floor. it's so hot that you literally spent the rest of your afternoon here, enjoying the japanese inspired embience and old tainanese houses while enjoying your afternoon tea set until the late afternoon when the sun almost set and it's bearable to walk on the street again.

Monday, June 29, 2015

10/17 全美戲院

全美戲院 ang li grew up watching movie from this cinema and this cinema still exists and in action despite of the aged and tired look like many of the old streets of tainan. the posters are still handmade with paint instead of the paper or canvas print.  you could have watched a movie or two in the evening especially the documentary films were on some kind of festival when you're here.  anyway, you can't to everything but at least you got to see the cinema from outside, you would have gone inside if it's open at the time of your visit.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

10/17 客家花布 hakka textile print

it's an extreme hot day and you walk a few blocks west under the hot sun to west market (西市場) in search for his hakka print textile.  the market is almost deserted with just a few shops selling textiles. the shops are aged and likewise those who sells the textile also in their old age.  you look around and finally settle for some from this old man.
it's actually quite an experience to source some textile like this...

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Le pol club

 it's an annual gathering with food contest, same location, same host and with a little change on the guests, that being said, it's almost a common rituals and yearly affair that takes place in june or august.  this year you brought along the italian flavor, aperol spritz, a common cocktails drink in the summer and it fits the day perfectly!
 the contesting food, roti canai voted to be the winner and last year winner satay came in second place
 contesting dessert, a lot less entry, well at least no entry from you since you just returned from your business trip a day before... the winner goes to the host who made strawberries charlotte.
 and there are many food not in contesting too... ranging from home made bak chang to finger food and store bought sweets.
 the kids enjoying themselves by the water...
 the truth is, the lake or water brought a different dimension to the summer. you had your annual boat ride of course enjoying the breeze and playing the water...
the beautiful sunset with the matching aperol spritz. you feel really thankful for friendship, and the chance to see a friend whom you have not seen for years.  and of course thankful for this beautiful weather and sunset that concludes the annual event.

Friday, June 26, 2015

9/17 eat@anping

continue your journey to anping, about 4km distance and 30 min ride.  your first stop for food at 所長茶葉蛋 before you further to anping happening area.
your first stop at 安平蚵灰會館where you heard a bit of the usage of shell to turn into ashes for building purposes in dutch era.
 the dutch inspired onbijtkoek, which has a very mild resemblance in term of look and taste. your friend bought a packet but you give it a skip
japanese influenced mentaiko ice cream, there's a long line, so it's probably good

then you walked to the old street of anping 安平老街 where you're lured to the scents and aroma of different things.
 you had your lunch at 周氏蝦捲,  the famous shrimp fritters at the top left, white it's tasty but nothing really extraordinary, it's a legit shrimp fritter, that's it!
周记安平豆花 you stopped by the soy milk or curd shop. this was really good.  especially when you had the bamboo charcoal bean curd with the little pearl only avail in this shop.  the texture is perfect harmony. loved it!
 from here you cycle to 台江 area...

Thursday, June 25, 2015

9/17 fort zeelandia

安平古堡 you paid for the entrance to fort zeelandia, where you're able to have a glimpse of dutch history, the truth is there's no much of dutch footprint remains in a short 30 something years of ruling, the kongxiga and the qing and japanese footprint is more predominant today. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


you went cycling to anping, but before you go, you visited the east market ( 東市場) which according to your friend may be demolish soon.
it's bustling and full of action, though you hardly see any younger generation here
the famous pork trotter and the butcher and the interior architecture of the market reminded you of the famous market street in kyoto.
 peeling of sweet corn skin, almost like a shop floor operation
some stalls selling food but you didn't have the appetite to eat early in the morning right after your breakfast
 then you visited the 中華聖母堂, a catholic church that you thought you saw once in a taiwan movie but at the end concluded its not this one.
the mass was on when you visited so you didn't really enter even after a few persuasion from one of the congregation.
then you cycle to anping but due to the rain, you pause at 臺南客家文化會館 and chance in to an art exhibition and some Hakka display, you saw the hakka print again...
 and manage to strike a conversation with one of the voluntary guide that referred you to the office to inquire about the hakka textile
 the display while not extensive but certainly comprehensive.  a good use of you time while waiting for the rain to stop.

next stop, anping!

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