
Friday, July 28, 2006

The end of a new beginning

After a month of waiting, the project that I am working on in London finally announced the decision. The client decided to continue the partnership with my company but will switch to another technology.
Perhaps this is really in line with my prayers or rather God has answered the desire of my heart.
Working in London is fun but it also produces the side effects of long working hours and stress. What can I say..., working in London is just the same as working in Hong Kong, long over time, stressful environment, dynamic and decision changes over seconds... I have been there, done that and I don't want to be in that sort of environment any more. Despites of the fun of London, a bustling city with lots of good restaurants, musical and going on (especially in summer months), I still feel the need to draw everything to an end.
Now that the decision is made by the client, the choice is clear that I have to start rolling off the team members over the next few weeks. Due to the transition, I will be the last person to roll -off perhaps in September.
Anyway, I have seen London in Spring, Summer and perhaps a bit epilogue to the Autumn, but I don't see the need to remain here to ochestra the 12 countries which will consume all my energy.
I would be delighted to conclude my life in London sometime in September so that I can gain my real life with SOL2 perhaps starting in September.
Thank You Lord for answering my heart's desire.....

Thursday, July 27, 2006


26th July is the first time I stepped into the theatre after many months in London. I supposed I picked the 'right' day as it was the warmest day in the year so far, the temperature was soaring as high as 37 degree even after the dark.

First of all, due to the temperature, the ride on the London underground was indeed an experience. If I am allowed to associate this with an experience of having sauna in a very packed sauna cabin that moving on the track, the ride is certainly match to that description.
The pre-theatre dinner took place at Convent Garden, food was alright but eating during pre-theatre rush hour was no real enjoyment to me.

Footloose taken place at a rather small and old theatre. The musical is acceptable, not really great as the vocal and singing didnÂ’t live up to the show case performance.
However, I do like one of the story where city boy Ren was trying to convince the village to breakfree for dance again. He uses the example of King David where he quoted dancing is a form of worship and God delighted in it.

For more information :

Monday, July 24, 2006

3 in 1 Birthdays

It is coninsident that a few of us within the circle of family celebrating birthday on the same month and what's more on the same day or a day before.
Here Christiaan Khauw and me born on the same day (different year :p) and the next generation Johnathan Khauw also celebrating his first birthday on 14th July.
Of course the little one gets all the attention.
God bless us, the birthday boys and girl.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Time Square in London

This is the street view of Picadilly circus. On a rather warm summer evening, my colleague and me walked all the way from Marybone to China Town area in crave for some serious food. After our hunger was satisfied we decided to walk back to hotel instead of taking any form of transportation. We passed by this square and I paused and wonder am I in NYC? Indeed the light and the triangle junction and of course the crowd that trafficing the cross over ressembled New York City and also the number of theatres around this area that match up to the reputation.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Happy Birthday to me

Today is my 35th Birthday. This year I have chosen to celebrate in a quiet way, not because I am anti-social but it is just that I want to spend more quality time with my husband.
I am too busy lately, spending most of my days in London and so having time together with him is already a blessing to me.
It is also for the first time I took the flight to Rotterdam. The journey was alright as it was a clear and sunny day.
I also finally managed to find time to go to hair salon to have my hair cut. Look a lot more summery now.
The photo shows the birthday gifts given by my beloved husband. He just knew what I wanted and it was exactly the shower cream that we both love so much.
Well, if you ask me what I really desire for my special day? I guess nothing more than granting me a child, I want to be a mother. That's all I asked for Lord!
Happy Birthday to me, and may my wish come true!

A new home for me

Today as I returned home past midnight and the new house welcomed me.
New house not because it is the new one but simply because we have just made a few renovation to our house.
We now have a new front pavement and most importantly the word B.E.T.H.E.L is now up on the wall. Finally it marked the official declaration of our desires of wanting to call our new house BETHEL, which means the House of the LORD.
JESUS may You dwell days and nights in our humble home and may our home be a blessings to others. Let your fragances fill our house in Jesus' Name.

Suprise from HRX

Today HRX surprised me with a box of donuts (in replacement of birthday cake) during the break hour of the Blueprint workshop.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Worldcup Final - Viva Italia

Tonight I watched the worldcup final with about 30 people, squashing in a nice house somewhere in Notting Hill. We had the majority of Italians present, I believe there are more than 20 of them with Italian blood somewhere back in time or real die hard Italian. The Dutch, French and Malaysian are really the minority.
That was a good games, it was fun watching the match with Italians. They are so expressive, and shouting and screaming in Italian.
Finally the worldcup concluded with Italy wining the cup.
What a good way to conclude tonight!
Viva Italia.

Notting Hill

Remember the movie Notting Hill? Where Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts acted and the shoots were taking wholly in Notting Hill.
Today, I decided to took the stroll in Notting Hill and the Portebello Road. It was already late afternoon when we set off, despites of that we still have some good late afternoon sunlight.
The Portebello of course is quiet but as I walked passed I did like this area very much. There are enough expensive housing, my favorite Ngonya restaurant and also Kesington Temple.
I also walked passed the private garden where I recalled in the movie, both of them climbed in through the gate in the middle of the night....

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Dinner at James Street

This is the rather famous along Oxford street and these days I frequented quite oftenly for dinner.
The terrace was great, today (8th July) a group of us came here for our dinner. Eva is still with us, and so it was fun. The key word of the night was 'massive'. Trully the portion of the food is massive. I ordered a lamb nuckle and it turn out to be much bigger than I expected, let alone finishing it.

London Roof Garden

This weekend I couldn't make it home due to the workshop. Friday night after the work, the crew decided to give ourselves a break before continue to work on Saturday.
Our dear friend Eva Luisi was in town. Someone came out with an idea to go to Roof Gorden in South Kesington Street. Apparently if you were not on the guest list, it was almost impossible to get into the club. Fortunately Anouk has some connection and expand the guest lists for us.
We arrived and noticed the long queue of people waiting to go in. It looks exclusive and reminded me of those Sex in the City series where Samantha has to use her PR connection to get into the club. We managed to walk in without standing in the line. The roof Garden has the view of London. It was quite impressive!
The dinner was great although it was rather pricey. Finally we got into the club and realise there is another open space with some spanish/mexican live band. The weather was perfect for openair and so Eva and myself chatting and drinking all night. It was past 4am when we were ascorted out the club.

For more information, check out

Monday, July 03, 2006

Our 1st Marriage Blessing Ceremony

3rd July became a very special day since our marriage was blessed by our Senior Pastors at DCF church.
It is rather a good day because it will always be in the summer, whilst our official wedding date 25 October is always a groomy day as the winter time usually set on around that period.
We were both very busy with our work, but despite of that we made a point to celebrate this very special occassion even it fall on Monday.
We went to Schevenigen and it was way passed usual dutch dinner timing. We ended up at a seafood restaurant by the beach. Despite the food was not as great, but the sunset was romantic. It was a special day to remember because since that day, our relationship has turn ever better.
Thank you Jesus, for everything, for my wonderful husband.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

First ever real summer BBQ

Yesterday the temperature finally soared above 25 degree.
It was rather hot, but not really unbearable though.
Johannes invited his friends Natasha and Daniel, Aaron and a Chinese friends to the BBQ at our garden.
The weather was lovely, we grilled slowly and by the time we ended our BBQ it was almost past midnight and yet we were sitting and chatting at the garden.
What a perfect weather, nice companions and enjoyable dinner.

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