
Friday, November 30, 2007

I will soar like an eagle

When situation is tough, people are difficult to manage, things getting political, I will SOAR like an EAGLE because God provided me opportunities to experience Him and SOAR with Him to the greater height.

Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I say a little prayer...

I have a habit of saying a prayer before I start driving my car. I know that will give me the extra protection on the road especially over here the Dutch drivers are ruthless and impatience.

Today as I drive to my office in the normal peak hour, I encountered 7 cars breakdown on the emergency lane and I witnessed a 4 cars chained accident that put the A4 to complete stop.

I thanked God that I have great flexibility in my job that I can start my journey only when the rush is almost over (if I arrange my appointment accordingly), but it is unusual to see 7 cars breakdown and an accident.

I also know that every prayer that I said when I turn on the engine has not gone in vain, but has mobilized the angels to watch over me and protect me from accidents. I have not take journey safety for granted, and a little prayer will remind my Father in Heaven to constantly shield me under His protection, so that I shall not die by live to testify the works of the Lord. AMEN!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Paul says...

I have been doing the SOL 2 homework the last 2 nights, two of the verses that strike me were both written by Paul in 1 Corinthians 19- Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible

1 corinthians 9:14 - In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.

It is easy to say than done, Apostle Paul has definitely live up to what he has written, and as for me....time will proof it...

Monday, November 26, 2007


Today, I went back to office and was expecting that I am still unassigned and thus will initiate a conversation to take the entire December off (since I still have 50 vacation days) to travel, read my book or do nothing.

Much to my surprise, I was told that I am already assigned to another project and that is with one of the reputable and established bank in the Netherlands. The mission is to conduct an assessment to determine if consolidation of the Dutch, Belgium and part of UK HR operations is the way to go.

This is my job, it is always full of surprise and expect the unexpected, and AmazING!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


In FMC, we now called our G12 cell group as CARE group.

Cell is




In short, cell group is a place for restoration and encouragement of souls. Hopefully with this new branding, the CARE group will be more approachable for non-believers.

This picture are made up of the members of my CARE group. From left to right, ME, Munce, Sylvia (Care leader), Sandra and Trees.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Lord of War

Tonight, we watched a movie on Veronica channel. The Nicolas Cage's 'The Lord of War'. I like the plots of the story, it reveals the life of an arm dealer and how Yuri (Nicholas Cage) can always escape from the law by being politically correct. I like this scene where Yuri's brother saw how a lady and a little boy was kill by the RUF and came to realization that those arm that they are selling will be used by the RUF kill the innocents later.

I greatly appreciate this film, and the fact that there are directors who are willing to make unconventional films with controversial truth which invite us to think about the implications.

Friday, November 23, 2007

My Heart Assured...

After the appointment in city hall, I have to drive to Amsterdam for a monthly meeting. My heart is still full of the anger from the ‘integration’ conversation, but as I drove passed N206, there is a beautiful rainbow displayed in front of my eyes. My heart cooled down because Rainbow always reminds me of the covenant that God has made with men. I am glad that my God is so real to me, that He showed His presence in the form of rainbow and my heart is assured and everything else (including the ‘integration’ discrimination) become so insignificant in His presence.

Dutch Integration Fuss

Today I went to the city hall to attend a ‘integration’ appointment of which I have to bring my Dutch language proficiency certificates that I have taken with the authority (which didn’t passed everything then) and I also brought along the one from famous language institute in the Netherlands of which I have demonstrated level 2.1. However, I was told that the one from Language Institute is not recognized by the integration law. I was speechless, and stunt…. the one week intensive course in the famous language institute costs a fortune and Princess Maxima herself also went to the same institute for her Dutch language skill and this institute is not recognized by the Integration Law. I couldn’t believe that as when I took the course, I have Norwegian and Japan Ambassadors and many other corporate senior executives studying the language together. And the certificate is not recognized by the stupid Dutch integration law.

What really raise my bar is that I was told I must take an exam of a higher level (level 3) and the officer refused to recommend me for level 2 exam. This is really unbelievable, if level 2 is the requirement, why should I do the level 3 exam? After all, I am here not to beg money from the government, in fact I have paid a high amount of tax each year. I am here to contribute to the Dutch labor market and rising up the new Dutch generations in my workplace.

I am completely pissed off by the officer and entered into a series of arguments and raise my objections in Dutch ( I am surprise that I could do that in Dutch pretty well) and in fact at the end the officer said according to her, my Dutch level is definitely above level 2, however, according to the law, I am required to ‘integrate’ and to do that by taking the level 3 exam in the coming 5 years. I am not sure on what aspect according to the Dutch law that I am not integrated in the Dutch society, perhaps because I have not asked for ‘social welfare’ from the welfare department. Perhaps I pay too much tax, or perhaps I do not have a low labor job but a management position.

The Dutch integration law is like a license to kill, of which it is meant to target a very specific group of people, however being a non-EU citizen, I become a victim. I am sure they are many of them out there like me, who work and contribute to the society but yet discriminated by the LAW.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Dreaming of Flying ...

Today I have been browsing the KLM website and surfing the web award offer. I am almost convinced that I am going for 3 weeks off in December and fly to Asia destinations such as Beijing, Hong Kong, Osaka or Nagoya. With KLM web award offer, a business class round trip is only 60,000 miles, let alone the economy only needs 30,000 miles. That’s really an idea for me, after all my big project is not going to start till next Jan. Taste the water with Johannes but he is not one who can expect surprise. Anyway, we haven’t got into the proper discussions, but all I need to do is to clear my vacation with my manager and off I go….

When I think of those destinations, I can’t help but already start thinking what I want to do, especially for Beijing.

Beijing – it would be good to see Beijing for the last time prior to the Olympic Games, and it would be lovely to meet up with my Beijing friends – Jenny, YaNan, Brenda again. Also, I would love to visit my missionary friends in Urumqi Xinjiang and perhaps also visit my nephew who is currently on an assignment in Ulaanbaatar, Outer Mongolia, hmm……so many options and things to do when I think of all those new places that I never been before, I am flying high…it is ok to have some excitement an day dream. After all, most reality happened through a vision or a dream.

Hong Kong – This will only be an option if Johannes is traveling together, otherwise Hong Kong is not my cup of tea without him.

Nagoya or Osaka – Japan, sounds adventurous, never been there before, don’t know the language and don’t know much about the country, will need a lot of time to read up should I choose any of the Japanese destinations. Never expand my footprints to this country but may be now is the time.

If my dream comes through, I will be away from beginning of December and be back just in time for Christmas.

Anyway, Lord, I submit my dream unto Your hands, may You bless my plan and may Your will be done.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

German stereotype

We all know what Germans are like, don't we? Well, this is my experience with German so far. They are :

Terrifying Efficiency

Public Transport is almost always on time in Germany. Every shoes shop I visited, all shoes are displayed by size on the shoes rack.

Sprechen Sie Englisch?

The stereotype is not too far wrong on the English-speaking question, a lot of Germans speak very good English but refuse to speak it L.

Horrifying Systematic

I have been working on producing some kind of project plans for my client, but I have been challenged to the minute detail. Almost every single estimate that I derived I provide supporting evident or mathematical algorithm to back it up. Estimation derived base on 'previous experience' is not acceptable in Germany.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Isaiah 35: 1 – 4

1 The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them,
And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose;

2 It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice,
Even with joy and singing.
The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it,
The excellence of Carmel and Sharon.
They shall see the glory of the LORD,
The excellency of our God.

3 Strengthen the weak hands,
And make firm the feeble knees.

4 Say to those who are fearful-hearted,
“ Be strong, do not fear!
Behold, your God will come with vengeance,
With the recompense of God;
He will come and save you.”

Since yesterday after Pastor Victor preached about this key scripture, I have been having this impression of blossom in my mind, despite of a busy day, the image of blossom and overladen keep flashing over my mind, occupying my thought from time to time. I don't really have an interpretation yet but I believe God is saying that I am entering into a period of overflowing, just like the scripture says that one will not be just happy but OVERJOY! That the excellency of our God will be glorified.




Sunday, November 18, 2007

One Global Network - Party is over

I must admit that this year party didn’t match my excitement, anticipation and expectation. Perhaps last year was too great, this year is not bad but just lack of theme, the venue is too empty and the food is nothing to match what Kurhaus’s offered last year.

Most the Asian colleagues (including me) hang around the Asian lounge at the start. The karaoke has a very bad sound system.

Throughout the night, we were being served with typical Dutch snacks to the extend that one can eat ‘from the wall’ free. Many people walk passed the kiosks and stare at the food unbelievably, but forced to accept if one is hungry, just help yourself ‘from the wall’. Picture above where Johannes eats from the wall.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Annual Party Tonight

Tonight is my company annual party, this year the party will be taking place at World Forum Convention Center in Den Haag. The theme is taken from one of the six of our company core values 'One Global Network'. It sounds a bit boring but still pretty excited about this extravaganza event. The outfit is ready and let's wait and see what happen to night .

Friday, November 16, 2007

Airport Rush

Just as I am to send the last email, and then pack my lab top and go to the airport, instead of pressing save and exit on the power point presentation, I accidentally exit without saving.

There gone my 4 hours of good work, on all the content that I have created in the morning a split second. . I don't know what to say, perhaps just not my day. On the bright side, I thanked God that the knowledge in my mind has not lost and thus I can reproduce the work again. I re-create the document at the Frankfurt business lounge, and got home continue with the final touch, and the document is now ready and sent.

Lesson learnt, never press key without ready the action required.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ziel - Shopping Freak

The famous shopping street Ziel, which seems to be must go and must experience place. It is laid with stones/tiles pedestrian pathway that linked 2 major underground stations, a perfect stroll for window shopping. A couple of big malls such as Galeria Kaufhof, Karstadt and Zeil Galerie, a massive Douglas Cosmetic store and giant Peek & Cloppenburg, of course among others the usual names that can be found in The Netherlands. The German is definitely fanatic about Christmas, most stores are either already in Christmas decoration or in the midst of setting it up.


Taken in the mid morning, the clear sky and the grey cloud are battling in the sky

Taken at around noon time

Taken at around 4pm, when the sky getting darker, the tower on the left is Messe Turm (256.5 meters high)

Taken at around 6pm when I set out to down town, the reflection on the window is the Messe Turm, another pride of Frankfurt.

That’s what all the Frankfurters call their beloved city as ‘Mainhattan’. Today, I got the privilege of working from hotel since the client is too busy to handle the train strike that just initiated by workers union in Berlin.

As the result of staying in the hotel room, I witnessed the skyline changes from morning to night; I couldn’t help but just captured every single changes of the day.

After all, is Frankfurt really another Manhattan? Or it is just ‘Mainhattan’ - a city along the Main river?

Germanic Architecture

I managed to sneak out during the lunch hour to the city center. I took underground to Römer again as I couldn’t really see the old town last night. Now I can see it clearly, pretty Germanic, heavily timbered architecture. Some times I fancy that more than the modern skyscrapers. I hanged around the old town for a cup of coffee, and enjoyed people watching. There seems to be a lot of Japanese and Mainland Chinese tourists in Frankfurt and busy taking photo and posing at the square.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Apfelwein - Frankfurt famous Apple wine

Apfelwein - Frankfurt famous apple wine, but the weird taste really put me off.

The savory and half fermented taste almost made me throw out after the first taste. I wonder if it really should taste like that… It tastes like left over night warm beer… Not sure if that is the right description but for me that is the best describtion.

What a disappointing experience...

Römer Square at night

Tonight I have the chance to check out Frankfurt city center. I figured out how to take the underground and just head off for some adventure in the evening. The public transportation is very efficient and clean, I feel relatively safe too travel alone in the evening hour.

I didn’t do much as it is already evening when I set off but I stopped by the historical old town of Frankfurt most of the half-timbered houses have been completely destroyed during World War II. Only a few of them have been rebuilt and the most interesting and picturesque part called Römer.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Today I am home alone in the client’s office in Frankfurt. As a result of that I have to dine alone for my lunch. 300m next to the office there is an interesting restaurant called Ginger. My colleague already informed me about this restaurant which according to him an interesting ‘Asian’ restaurant. The restaurant offers pretty much every dishes from Asia, from wok to dim sum, Thai to Malaysia, Chinese to Japan’s sushi. It was hard to guess the background of the restaurant and I would have thought the owner could be mainland Chinese. Later I heard the staffs chatting in Cantonese and the lady boss came to me for a chat and guessed what, the couples are from MALAYSIA. What a small world…J

Food verdict: I ordered a chilly soup based seafood noodles (some kind of Wagamama style), the portion was miserably very small and it’s expensive for the price I paid for lunch.

Frankfurt by Day

Well, you have seen the night view of Frankfurt skyscrapers, here is the another photo that I taken this morning when I woke up from one night beauty sleep.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Next Bahn - Frankfurt

This morning I almost missed my flight to Frankfurt. I underestimate the traffic situation on the road, but anyway, thanked God that I didn’t missed my flight J. This is my second trip to Frankfurt, but first time working on an assignment in Frankfurt city.

Frankfurt is relatively small and clean. Haven’t been to the city center yet, but the view from my hotel room is enchanting. It is a bit dark now, but otherwise, the skyscrapers of Frankfurt financial center should be even more attractive in the dusk.

My German colleagues are very hospitable and friendly. They even offered to have dinner with me and explain a bit more about the city (not work) to me.

I got to be here for 2 weeks and thus I will surely have enough time to enjoy and explore this city.

FMC 12th Anniversary

Last night our church FMC Delft celebrated 12th year anniversary. The journey of 12 years is not long but has not been easy. The Theme of 2008 has been revealed – The Glorious Year. The night is celebrated with praise and worship, sermon, various presentations such as singing and dances. Of course it ended with dinner.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ambassadors for Jesus

This afternoon we attended the Ladder of Success - Presentation and Certificate ceremony. The 9 students are divided into 3 groups. Each group presents a topic and the 3 distinct topics are

(1) Moving in the Vision

(2) The growing church

(3) Unlimited Harvest

These people are now equipped to be the Ambassadors for Lord Jesus Christ.

The ladder of success is based on the G12 movement from MCI in Bogota, Columbia, where the Spirit of the Lord is pouring out with great awakening. Our church is affiliated to G12. Click here to find out more about G12

Paradise Birds

Today we need to attend a graduation ceremony for the Ladder of success program, of which Johannes’ cell leader is one of the graduates that have completed the ‘SEND’.

Instead of buying the ready made bouquet, I decided to pick and choose one myself. I chose two paradise birds and cabbage like flower with a few leafy leaves. That’s it, simple but special, above all, paradise bird is very tropical, it should brighten up the gloomy autumn day.

With this bouquet, we hope to bring him the best wishes and success in the LORD.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Flu flu go away...

Two days after I returned to work, I started to feel nose block and finding myself hard to concentrate on my work. Well, it must be autumn and the month of the year that most people get sick easily and I am one of them.

Report sick at work since wednesday, the fever and headache has gone but the nose block is still quite persistent.

Dear Lord, You are Jehovah Rapha - the Healer, heal me and I will be healed. In Jesus' Name.

Autumn Foliage

I have live here for almost 4 years now, I still never like the autumn and especially the moment the clock is set to winter time. Autumn is always melancholic, not that I want to think of it this way, but the wind, the cold, the wet and the dark also reconfirming my perceptions. I am still learning to like autumn. I captured the ‘colorful’ foliage in front of my house after the Malta’s trip. Well, at least there is still one thing colorful in autumn – the foliage. Thank God for the colorful Autumn Foliage.

Sunset and Sunrise

When I see this beautiful water coloured like sunset, I give thanks to God in my heart for I know He wants to give me the very best memory as our Malta trip is drawing to and end.

However, what we never expected is that He also gives us a beautiful sunrise. This is the God we are serving, always give us the very best and He is full of surprise, journey with Jesus is never boring.

God bless Malta!! If God allows, We will be back very soon.


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A parable of Windows

I am not sure if the window of Portomaso is inspired by the Azure window in Dwejra, Gozo. But what both have in common is the window design, similar in design yet unique in its own way. Azure window is a creation of nature whilst the Portomaso is man-inspired modern design. When I look through the Azure Window, I am amazed by the creation of God, the sea, sky, endless cliffs and landscape. When I look through the Portomaso window, I see yachts, marina, a world of material. If this is a parables in the bible, which window would you choose? A window that reminds you of your creator or the window that indulge in material world?

Notes: Portomaso is a prestigious area in St. Julian's where the Hilton hotel, luxury apartments together with a marina and yacht heaven are located.

Rekindle my Hobby

Finally I rediscover my hobby in drawing and sketching. Perhaps it is due to the many old and rich architectural design of Malta that inspire me. May be the timing is just right or perhaps I just happen to have time to sit down, enjoy the beauty and start drawing what I see in front of my eyes.

Hopefully I will continue to sketch many pages to come.

This photo is taken at Silema and where can see the beautiful harbor view of Valletta and that's what I am drawing.

My Daily Bread - Pastizzi

Pastizzi – a typical Maltese pastry, commonly eat by the local as breakfast or snacks throughout the day. It comes in either ricotta cheese or pea. We had our first sample in the city center of Valletta at the famous Café Cordina. After the first bite, I just can’t have enough of it, and it has become my daily bread for the remaining days in Malta.

The Maltese Bus Stop

one thing that is hard to comprehend in Malta is the bus stop. Most of them are along the narrow road, some just by the cliff. This small sight in familiar blue color denotes a bus stop without a shelter and in most places and without any information on the bus number and its route or destination. Imagine standing there and waiting for the bus under the temperature that soars as high as 40C in the summer and the wind that blows as hard as it can be in the winter. The bus service is still very rare and irregular in this country and thus one really needs the strong determination to use the public transport especially in those extreme weather conditions.

Mdina Glass - Color up My Life

One of the specialties of Mdina is the glass work. These are colorful handmade glass that come in the shape of vase, plate, bowl, clock or even display item. Although there are Gozo glass, Valletta glass and even the Phoenician glass, each has it unique and distinct characteristics. As for us, we still prefer Mdina glass because of it is more colorful, bright and a perfect match the house of Bethel.

Hello Kinnie

This is the one and only Maltese soft drink. The color looks like Cola or root beer; it has a relatively strong and unique herby taste. A slice of orange to it will make Kinnie even more refreshing and distinct. Just a taste of it I already fall in love with Kinnie. Unfortunately Kinnie is not easily obtainable outside Malta. So I am going to miss Kinnie...

Moving Fibre

One thing I started to realize at the end of day 2 is that fresh fruits and vegetables are limited in Malta. They are not available in mini stores or reasonable size supermarkets but selling through the van or in the market. The fruits and vegetables that I found in the so called mini markets are usually rotten and dried up as if they have been on display for ages. Thanked God that we are not vegetarians, otherwise we will have a hard time in finding the fresh produce.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Gozo Highlights


Today we joined a day tour to another sister island of Malta called Gozo.

Gozo Channel

We took a ferry from Cirkerwwa to Gozo’s Mgarr. The journey from Qawra to Cirkerwwa itself is very panoramic and pass by Buggiba, St. Paul’s bay, Xemija, Mellieha and the last strip is vertically up hill and down hill before reaching Cirkerwwa.

Ggantija Temples – located on the crest of the hill south of Xaghr, this is a really Gigantic megalithic temples dated between 3600 – 3000 BC. Historians have no clue why this is built and how those stones were carried up to the hill and by whom, as the largest stone weight around 57 tone.

Xlendi Bay – This is a picturesque fishing village surround by sheer cliffs. The highlight of the Gozo trip is a punch at Xlendi Bay. The water is so clam that there isn’t any wave at all. Although Xlendi bay is generally pebble but the patch that close by Stone Crab restaurant and the cliff is bedded with smooth sands and shallow. The temperature is perfect and in fact I can feel the warm current come by me as I swim.

Dwejra - The two highlights of this area is the Azure Window and the Inland Sea.

Azure Window – a huge natural arch in the sea cliffs. In the rocks in front of it is another geological freak called the Blue Hole a about 10m in diameter and 25m deep that connect the open sea through an underwater arch. Again I am impressed by my Creator of Heaven and Earth of such a beautiful master piece.

Inland Sea – situated within 3 min from Azure Window is a cliff-bound lagoon connected to open sea by a tunnel that runs from 100 m through the headland of Dwejra point. The lagoon is largely made of pebbles and I took another quick punch in this shallow end. There were plenty colorful fishing boats offering the ride to the inlet of the cliff. Other famous activities are diving and rock/cliff climbing.

Ta’Pinu Church – Also situated in Gharb, the Basillica of Ta’Pinu which is now Malta’s national shrine to the Virgin Mary. Malta is still largely a catholic country and that is reflected in the architecture or display at most house we see in Malta.

The church is built in Romanesque style with pale golden stone, this is a relatively new building compared to the ancient history of Malta .

The Citadel at Victoria – the capital of Gozo with a superb view of the island from the ramparts. After the steep walk up to the Citadel, we decided not to go in to the church but spend rest of the time at the fortress platform observing the different views of Gozo.

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