Yesterday (25th October 2008) we enjoyed the beautiful color of the forest in Spa, splendid colors of tangerine, red, maroon, brown, yellow, orange and many others form the marvelous scenery of autumn . It is a beautiful and gracious stroll from Thermes de Spa down to the city center of Spa. The walk is full of colors and it is indeed a feast to our eyes. 6th years, not too long but certainly not short either. It is the journey that we chose to walk together since 2002, the stroll down the hill also represent our wonderful journey together that filled with many amazing colors and phases that we been through together. I could only count the blessings since the day we started this journey together. May the Lord bless our marriage more and more!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Walk to Remember
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Creative Ballet
To celebrate the evening before our 6th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow, we started with watching a Ballet performance, Strawinski Swingt by Introdans at Den Haag. This is a rather creative and innovative ballet performance with fashion to emphasise the beauty of the male body, not to disguise it. Tonight is indeed a rather special evening.
Dutch Integration Fuss Part I
I just came back from the (in)famous Dutch integration practical exam. What the fuss?
Even the examiners wondered why I have to do it. I don't even know why myself apart from summoned by the Dutch government to do it. But I have the first part today, I have to do 6 practical exam (1) Naturalization (2) applying a driving license (3)Looking for a job in CWI (4) In a work meeting, taking minutes (5) help a client in a shop (6) help a client to order an item
In reality, I will do none of these. (1) I will not take up Dutch citizenship (2) I applied my driving license via the 30 percent ruling i.e. expatriate way (3) Even the examiner told me the type of job that I am looking (eventually) for will not come from CWI (4) It was perhaps 10 years ago I last taken a meeting minutes (5) and (6) I don't think I will ended up as a sales assistant in a shop ever.
My conclusion: Dutch practical exam is NOT practical after all. Waste of my time and energy.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Breakfast with Acropolis
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Greetings from Athens
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Test Drive Part II
Today I went to test drive a Volvo V50 automatic Benzine.
Compare to BMW Series 3 Touring, Volvo V50 is indeed more spacious, less sporty which means more of me and MY car type. The seats were more comfortable, also more interior room, the car itself is quite age but it doens't affect the performance on the road.
Also volvo has a very subtle luxury, not boast of itself but providing the understatement comfort to its driver and passenger. I can definitely associate myself more with Volvo than BMW.
The only downside is I didn't try the diesel one and wonder if the experience would be very different. Anyway, I probably will try on a diesel one once I made up my mind.
Now one more to go, Volk Wagen Passat Station Wagon.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I Can Fly
Don't get me wrong, what I mean is I can fly a kite . Again, taking advantage of the Indian summer and the late start of the Sunday service today, we went to Scheveningen beach to kite. It’s a lovely morning; the beach was rather busy when we arrived.
Many people taking a relax stroll on the sandy beach, together with some people like us kiting and a few dogs and kids running around.
There isn’t much wind today but we still manage to fly the kite at the beach. It was a very relaxing morning with some running, picking up kite and setting it in position to fly. I also feel refreshed by the cool breeze from the sea.
We ended with simple Haring lunch before we return home and get ready to go to church.
An Indian Summer
The Lord has been blessing us with the extended summer. We called this Indian summer, which is usually a name given to a period of sunny, warm weather in autumn, not long before winter. We went to Roemond yesterday. On our way home in the evening, we saw this beautiful skyline at
Friday, October 10, 2008
Golf Clinic@Dorhout Mees
Today we have an almost full day team offsite meeting at Dorhout Mees, Biddinghuizen. We had been to this place for outing last year. We finished the formality of the meeting in the early afternoon, and at 3pm we started with the golf clinic. It was a pleasant afternoon, 19C, no wind and sunny. What a lovely afternoon for golf driving range. This is my first golfing experience, I struggled a bit from a start but then when I started to love it after awhile.
ANWB Traffic Free Day
Yesterday 9th October 2008 is the Dutch ANWB Filevrijedag (Traffic Free Day). It is also a day where the traffic jam should be reduced on the roads.
I had an appointment at 8am, and therefore I left home at 6.55am (that was very early and unusual start) and caught in a stand still traffic as around 7.15am.
In the evening, I left the office at 7.00pm and still I encountered a standstill traffic congestion.
Final verdict: An unsuccessful traffic free day. Try harder next year.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Test Drive Part I
Finally, it is about time for a new lease car again. I work from home today so that I could use the lunch hour to test drive BMW.
My lease car will be expiring in January 2009, so it is time to start test drive and select another car. Today we test drive BMW series 318 diesel automatic.
My criteria are quite simple
- Station Wagon
- Automatic
- Built-in Navigator system.
- Preferably Emission Type label A
- Fit within my monthly lease amount
One down, need to make time to try Volvo and VW Passat.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
A Visit to the Ark of Noah
Yesterday (4th October 2008) six of us in two cars visited the ark of Noah in Kampen. Kampen is a small little town located at the North East of the country.
The story begins with a Dutchman by the name o f Johan who had a dream about half of
As we walked into the ark, I could see lots of animal replicas of the actual size. There are giraffes, elephants, lions, tigers, pigs, bears and many others of the actual size. Each of these are displayed in an individual cell.
There are also a lot of sections that tell the bible stories such as the Jacob’s well, Abraham’s tent, the tomb of Jesus and etc. There are also a few mini cineplex’s that showing cartoon such as Joseph – the prince of Egypt etc. Frankly speaking apart from the ark itself, the entire setting wasn’t really appeal to me as it is more interesting for little kids to explore and learn about the animals and the bible stories. However, the architecture of the ark itself is quite an interesting experience.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Sorbet Classique
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Terrific Autumn Traffic
1st October 2008 - AM - 18 km traffic congestion at A4. Result - 3 hours from door to door, extremely late for an appointment.
2nd October 2008 - PM - raining very heavily, leaves office at 7pm, 9 km traffic jam,. Result - 1 1/2 hour from door to door, even in the evening after the rush hour. Can you imagine that!!!!
Thank God that I am working from Den Haag tomorrow.