Inside the museum, admiring the paintings by a group of American artist. These are reproduction, otherwise I wouldn't have taken any photos.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Harrods is lite up with green light...
Laduree inside Harrods
1700 soak up in Waterstones bookstore at Piccadilly, browsing and reading book
1800 getting bored and decided to go to Oxford Street – just window browsing this time
What a day…An account of 12 hours in London...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thankfully not too many traffic at that hour and thus I did get to my destination in time. The doctor is very sympathetic and based on his diagnosis, he will advice my company that I should remain on 50% reduce working hour until end January when the 3rd hysterescopy is done and the next step is clear.
Then I drove to another location for a meeting in preparation for the trip to London this Wednesday, on my way home, the rain is out pouring again, plus rush hour, plus it is dark... I drove maximum 50km/h throughout the journey
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Read Matthew 16:18
The trees in our neighborhood are almost bald, with one or two exception lingering with a few golden yellow withered leaves still trying hard to hang on the branches.
Fitness Dom membership is at least 50€ a month for day pass i.e. not applicable after 5pm or a full membership is 65€ a month. It is a rather expensive premium and the subscription has to be for a year at least. I am still contemplating because it is quite a price to pay plus I must make a determination to pop in 3 times a week in order to justify this investment.
We can buy some training equipments and put them on the attic but I am sure we will not touch it after awhile. With Fitness Dom right in front of us each time we drive in and out, it does sound like a good stop to hop in on the way back from work or on the way out to somewhere else.
Anyway, they do offer a one week trial program; I think I will get Johannes to join me in this one week trial program to see how it works…
Still when I think of the almost 700€ investment a year in fitness is a pinch, BUT… perhaps it will worth a healthier body??? What do you think?
Friday, November 20, 2009
I have already finished reading one book (A year in Japan/日本の一年) by Kate. T. Williamsen. It is more of a journal cum pictographic with a lot of sketches, drawings about Kyoto than really a novel that fills with words. A decent book for those who are new to Kyoto or Japan, as for me I find it a bit shallow... however it lights up the spark and passion for painting again.
I have stopped painting since I came back from Japan last summer and when my physical condition worsen, I hardly even think of painting let alone be inspired.
After reading "A year in Japan/日本の一年" I started to have my own inspiration on how I wanted to complete the watercolor painting book that I initiated prior and during my summer trip to Japan. I have a lot of sketches drawn on the spot right then I visited the places or I captured those ideas via digital camera. There were quite a lot of empty pages before I abandoned the project in view of sickness, now, as of today, all those empty pages are filled with humble sketches and the flow and storyboard of my watercolor painting book is finally kick starts and in progress again. I hope to be able to share my humble master piece with you soon, definitely by the end of this year.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Laduree boutique at Burlington Arcade, such a petite outlet that glitters in gold color wall and colorful arrays of macaron
Then a few steps away from Laduree is this La Maison du Chocolate, they are famous for their chocolate but they also have macarons of which most of them have chocolate fillings....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Well, it's early in the morning but I am getting ready to fly back, I have enjoyed myself here in London even though it is a short less than 48 hours turnaround...
Breakfast at Starbucks at London City Airport while waiting for my flight. This airport is so so convenient to navigate.
Monday, November 16, 2009
It is my first time exploring London wall area, the stony wall still exists today although most of the area is overwhelm by the high rise office buildings..
Met up with JH for lunch at Barbican center, she seems to fall in love with this arts center. After lunch, I went back to change and then hit the city... First checking out the Laduree at Burlington Arcade, Fortnum & Maison, Maison du Chocolate, all located at Piccadilly area, also a pleasant discovery of the Royal Academy of Arts, an oasis of the busy Piccadilly.
Then I walked from Piccadilly to Regent Street and cut over to Oxford Street, the Christmas lights already on and the Holiday atmosphere is already here... Also it seems that every other lady is carrying a blue paper bag "Jimmy Choo by H&M". I walked pass one and took a snapshot of his glittering and affordable collection at H&M.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Travelling to London city airport is really hassle free..., easy transfer to city by DLR - cheap and efficient...
Get out at Piccadilly circus station adjoined to Regent street, here is the beautiful street light of Regent Street
The ever busy and bustling Leicesters Square
My dinner at a Malaysian Restaurant C&R in London China town, and a good long chat and catch up with JH.
Now is the time to prepare for my meeting tomorrow...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Roast baby potatoes with garlic, sage and rosemary (from our garden)
Cranberry compote - the sweet and sourness accentuate the taste of the duck meat
And of course (rather exceptional lately) with 2 glasses of Greek red wine....
It's been awhile since we are in the mood of cooking especially the western cuisine. Tonight's duck breast fit the autumn weekend perfectly.
Hope you enjoyed your Saturday too!
spicy.szechuan.dumplings (钟水饺)
Spicy Szechuan dumplings (钟水饺) accompanied by my daily green
Spicy Szechuan dumplings (钟水饺) with generous sprinkle of white sesame
Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009
I went to a client's meeting in the morning and then returned home after that. In the afternoon, after collecting dinner from my MIL, I just fancy some fresh air and thus drive to the lake nearby our area. It was 12C, not too bad for a November late afternoon but not a perfect moment to sit out either. I have the whole place by myself...
I choose a table overlooking the lake, then lay my table cloth, just as if I am having a mini picnic, look out the open lake in front of me, letting the cool breeze kissing my face, slowly crunching my apple and enjoying some solitudes... with no one else, just by myself and talking to God....