oasis lounge, not a bad one really, it is relatively spacious to cater many stranded passengers like me...
Monday, March 29, 2010
26:26 jfk
25:26 lunch.box.caf�
it is sad to know that takashimaya to close this june, so i am glad i made it here to try the bento (lunch box). the cafe is located at basement, tug in a tiny corner next to the tea section.
i ordered a soup (western) that has lots of chicken meat in it...
and a bento box, the taste is authentic, the service is attentive like the service one get in japan. plus i had a great conversation with an apparently very rich (just retired) couple who came all the way from long island just because they found out that takashimaya is to close this june. they both are professors in the university teaching literature, very well travelled, well read and open couple, seem to be able to quote books, authors by heart. it has been a delightful conversation...
i left takashimaya with a satisfied stomach and also a contented heart from good conversation... sometime it is best to leave the day unplanned and let the lord surprise me with great people... what a great way to spend my last few moments in nyc...
25:26 MoMA
i bought the MoMA ticket in combination with top of the rock and so i set off to MoMA at 50th street shortly after checking out.

picasso, the earlier work and also some of the later ones
this is done by a chinese artist from beijing, converting a van by extending it with textile, one can even go into the car and enjoy a chinese song playing inside the van. it was quite cool to hear the chinese vocal...
nonetheless these are arty objects
MoMA, thanks for the arty fix of the trip...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
24:26 top.of.the.rock
post card moment at top of the rock
we have walked, done and seen pretty much of the entire midtown strip today.
24:26 m&m.moments
24:26 fifteen.seconds.fame
it's coming... waiting with anticipation and excitment...
tada! me and my niece featured at american eagle big screen at time square, with a message to my nephew/her brother who loves nyc so much...
24:26 midtown.moments
turning right a few blocks, we came to bloomingdale's, i was in there for almost 45 min and didn't get anything (well done) while my niece got something in this medium brown bag...