Today I finally decided to sign up this blog site. I was hesitating for awhile as I already have 2 sites one in friendsters and the other multiply. Nevertheless they are no real blogger site but friendship networking.
Since it is still the beginning of new year, may be it is good to start blogging base on my daily experience. I spend my week days in Sweden, working on a project for a client and travel back to Amsterdam on a weekly basis. During the week in Sweden, I spent most of my time on the internet be it work or leisure.
This morning I woke up praying for 2 specific things that kind of troubling me. My career promotion and my desire of wanting baby. I know the two hardly go together, but I just want to be an exceptional one.
It also happened today, which I believe my prayers are at work, that my Swedish manager called and informed me Roland, my co-colleague that leading IR project has tendered his resignation. There is a big possibility for me to take over his role, which I see God is making way for my promotion. I negotiated that I need to bring a analyst from my organization if I were to take up the additional role. Of course I have to make sure my Swedish manager is willing to give me a good promotion input too! Anyway, things will be certain by tomorrow.
It has been raining all day... and the snow is now either melting away or it has become the hard pressed ice that are really slippery.
Most of my colleagues are going for skiing tonight, while I had a dinner appointment with a Malaysian lady that I met in the Limo from Arlanda. Due to the slippery pathway, we didn't walk far but had our dinner at Tony's - a bar that serve good burgers. We chatted a bit about Malaysia and also about Sweden.
Tomorrow is home sweet home day :)
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