
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Thanks in a Thousand ways

Today, I received a note of thanks in the form of email from a colleague in Romania. I am glad that I am appreciated and that my presence in Bucharest, Romania our delivery center has created such a big impact to someone although that was quite a nightmare for me. I shared this email with my career counselor and he congratulated me of the impact that I have made to my co-workers worldwide.

There are thousand ways to express gratitude and thanks, sometime a small pad on the shoulder will do the work, a thank you card or a simple word would do the job.

Multumesc, Merci beaucoup, Bedankt
Dankschen, Arigato, Komapsumnida
Xie xie,Tack, Salamat
Khawp khun kha, Kam sia, Gracias
Cheers, Ta, Dêkuj, M goi
Terima Kasih

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