The word of God is from Proverbs 3 again, I think this is not coincident but a confirmation from God. I am not noble and neither am I chose to be noble. I don't consider what I have done yesterday is a noble thing but only by the grace of God, my flesh will not be over with these for awhile. Last night when pastors prayed for me, there is a different tongue language that somehow I can understood every single word (word of interpretation), it sounds like a combination of Hakka, Mandarin, Cantonese, Thai, Shanghainese but the Spirit gave me the interpretation and reminded me of my mum when she is still holding unforgiveness at the edge of dying and how she eventually released her forgiveness before she returns to the Lord ...
I still spent the old/new celebration with the family and it is a relief to me that things are made known to the family members so that I don’t have to pretend further…
Happy New Year to you all, I hope my 2010 will be a happy one as I follow through the "Year of Progress", may there be expansion and progression in my body, soul and my spiritual life.

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