i took some photos with lomo lca+ during the long weekend trip to upper normandy, france in may. i took a lot of photos at the garden of monet at giverny. and of course i finally developed the 35mm film.
it took me awhile to accept the result of the photos. it is not as sharp or as clear as any digital camera print but after i stared at these photos for some moments, i beginning to feel lomo and addicted to lomo again
there is something about lomo that digital camera cannot give, this is just a garden (and so happened to be a famous painter's garden), frankly speak the look of the photo doesn't depict the actual mood of the reality (weather, sunlight) of that day but it accentuates the reality into some forms of dreamy and retro mode...
like this reflection of the plants on the pond, this is the sort of effect (feel/mood) that truly only lomo can give...
i still love digital camera, in fact i have been dreaming of an digital SLR but there is something about lomo that digital couldn't give....

it took me awhile to accept the result of the photos. it is not as sharp or as clear as any digital camera print but after i stared at these photos for some moments, i beginning to feel lomo and addicted to lomo again
i think i am falling in love with lomo again....
how i wish sometime life doesn't reflect the reality (harsh, stress, busy,etc...) but in return reflecting the lomo feel life (soft, surreal, laid back, etc...)
well, it is saturday, i guess i am allow to keep lomo-ing by feeling lomo and dreaming lomo...
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