lots of snow yesterday. when the snow flakes starting to pour from the sky at round 3.30pm, you decide to let your co-workers leave as you also want to leave before the traffic and the rush hour. you left your office at 4pm and arrived home at 5pm. nice timing. early. then you heard in the news that there were in total 900km traffic jam in the country. on such a cold, snowy day you flash back to last weekend...
lots of food. lots of talking. lots of laughters. that's what happened when you have some friends around... round the table, catching up all the lost stories between the time you last met.

lots of food. lots of talking. lots of laughters. that's what happened when you have some friends around... round the table, catching up all the lost stories between the time you last met.
a parade of food. yes, but most of the dishes are not new to you and just to stress, you are not meat eater only, there were two more vegetables dishes didn't make it to this parade when the photo is taken...
smoked sea bass, apparently a hangzhou haute cuisine dish - the smoking agent consists of a number of ingredients and the smoke coats the fish with a thin layer of brown and the very gentle smoky taste which just rightfully does the justice to a super fresh sea bass...
this is snow white. you were 'forced' to make this dessert as he doesn't like the duo tone pumpkin chocolate cake. his definition of cake is something light and fluffy. the cooling down of the cake is handy as the outdoor temperature is close to freezing point, so you just put the cake at the garden while whipping the cream and by then the cake is already cooled down. a layer of cream and generous dust of shredded coconut to represent the season - a light frost that you expect to see in the coming weeks...
new wine. you drank a bottle of beaujolais primeur 2010 with the guests, this new wine just released on third thursday of november every year... not the best wine but it is just trendy to drink beaujolais primeur this time of the year...
the weather is really cold this week, the highest temperature will be in the minus. tomorrow you have an event to attend in amsterdam city center, a boat trip along amsterdam's canal. you wonder if the canal not already frozen and how the boat could move in the icy canal. and an early breakfast meeting on thursday , and all you want actually is to fast forward to another weekend where you can sit down, hold a mug of hot chocolate and enjoying the winter view from the house and not worry about the traffic situation.
!!happy tuesday!!
the weather is really cold this week, the highest temperature will be in the minus. tomorrow you have an event to attend in amsterdam city center, a boat trip along amsterdam's canal. you wonder if the canal not already frozen and how the boat could move in the icy canal. and an early breakfast meeting on thursday , and all you want actually is to fast forward to another weekend where you can sit down, hold a mug of hot chocolate and enjoying the winter view from the house and not worry about the traffic situation.
!!happy tuesday!!
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