it's just too cold. -10 this morning when i arrived at my project office. i am NOT going to write about the snow and the weather, but something slightly different, to escape from the cold, slippery road and winter traffice. let's go back to summer, this is the second last posts i still have about my summer budapest trip. hmmm... summer.. think of the sun, extra day light, when it is as cold as this, i actually appreciate summer more.
sometime in august
after the opera house, you walk eastbound towards hero square. and you like what you see here. not gucci or prada but the sculptures and the architecture of the buildings, just so refine...
as you walk along andrassy út, you saw lukas (another famous café/pastries shop) and you say to yourself, no you should not go in, you already had new york café and muvesz today. after 200m, your inner self ask you to turn back, so you follow your heart, after all you are not sure if you will be back here again.
you are glad you pop in for a visit. although at this stage your eyes are bigger than your stomach. as dutch saying "my eyes are bigger than my stomach", you are full but you still want to eat but there is no more space in your stomach... so you look here and there....

lukas is more parisian and with a modern twists, not like the rustic hungarian and austrian galore that you have tasted so far and not impressed. you can even find macarons here, but you have no more room for cake, so here is the deal, two macarons to take away (lemon and triple sec) , and a two scoops sorbet (peach and apricot), both despite having similar orange colors, taste very differently, natural and good.
and you carry on with your walk along adrassay út and enjoying the sorbet and whatever scenes that arouse your interest along the way....
more shops and pretty doors and bronze statues...
a broad boulevard with a separate lane for pedestrians...
and boy! these long tall pink ice cream, seems interesting, you wonder if they taste good ... but nope, no more room for ice cream...
with the sugar rush, you decide to walk to hero square instead of taking the metro so that you can burn off the extra energy. you did the right thing! you love the architectures along the avenue, plenty of things to see and keep you busy, not a single sign of boredom!
house of terror, a neo renaissance block stands as a symbol of recent hungarian history as the most dreaded location.
the base for the political police engaged in tracking down opponents of communist regime.
isn't this heavy iron chain speaks for itself...
you wonder about what had once happened in the house of terror? no, this is too heavy to discover the answer, so you walk on further...
and you reach the embassy area...
to some impressive embassy buildings around kadaly izorond
and before you realize you already see hero square is greeting you just some distance away. adrassay út may seem long but the walk is such a pleasure and could take ages if you hop in to every shop and places of interest. for you, your end goal is hero square and the city park where you know szechenyi thermal is awaiting for you. and that's exactly what you wanted to conclude your last full day in budapest.
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