while most of the chinese are celebrating the chinese lunar new year - the year of rabbit today, the japanese are celebrate setsubun (節分) a festival that marks the end of winter and the begining of spring. 節分actually carries the meaning of "seasonal division". along side with it there is this ritual of cast away all the evil of the previous year by throwing beans.

besides that, you see ehomaki (恵方巻) aka a supersize portion uncut makizushi that carries the meaning of "lucky direction roll" is sold everywhere in the supermarket and convinient stores.
but for me luck doesn't come from eating this ehomaki or throwing the bean because blessings come from the Lord Jesus!
what ever fesitval you are celebrating today, i wish you blessings from the heaven above, from God our father in Heaven.

while most of the chinese are celebrating the chinese lunar new year - the year of rabbit today, the japanese are celebrate setsubun (節分) a festival that marks the end of winter and the begining of spring. 節分actually carries the meaning of "seasonal division". along side with it there is this ritual of cast away all the evil of the previous year by throwing beans.

besides that, you see ehomaki (恵方巻) aka a supersize portion uncut makizushi that carries the meaning of "lucky direction roll" is sold everywhere in the supermarket and convinient stores.
but for me luck doesn't come from eating this ehomaki or throwing the bean because blessings come from the Lord Jesus!
what ever fesitval you are celebrating today, i wish you blessings from the heaven above, from God our father in Heaven.

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