easter in tokyo. as your pastor put it, the first ever christian matsuri (celebration). unlike in europe, you already see tons of chocolate eggs and bunnies on sales when you were back in the lowland in march/early april.
well, these bunnies were on sales in a local supermarket in your neighbourhood. here in tokyo, there is not a sign of easter bunny, not a sign of easter egg, not a sign of commercial on easter. which is good in a way, after all easter bunnies, chocolate eggs, or color eggs have nothing to do with easter in the first place. they were all brought in to easter as part of the european traditions.

there may be some chocolate easter eggs today but that because the church uses the chocolate eggs distribution as an outreach to the people in harajuku area.
the church is unexceptionally busy after the 11am service and before the 1pm service starts. the hall is almost packed up with people... great conversation taking place, people get to know people while enjoying cookies, biscuits and chips...
in the main hall, the stage for easter celebration is ready to start. a special musical production that is almost as close as the professional production in broadway. use of talents - voices, dances, multimedia, drama in delivering the easter message and a part screening of the movie "passion of Christ" and the message is strong and clean. who else ever died and rose again? only Jesus and today, easter is all about Jesus who died and rose again from dead. colossian 2:13-14 "God raising you from the dead as he did Christ. when you were stuck in your old sin-dead life, you were incapable of responding to God. God brought you alive—right along with Christ! think of it! all sins forgiven, the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ's cross."
you are blessed with great weather today, fine and sunny yet not too hot. you had great conversation and sharing at your local hangout cafe nescafe with your life group members.
on your way home, you feel that harajuku is back to its peak again because the crowds are back and the crossing on harajuku station is almost as busy as shibuya.
you have a rather early day today because there are other priorities to work out. your time in tokyo is running out.
happy easter!!
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