
Tuesday, September 06, 2011


you know that fall already creeps in. you are supposed to fly out for a business trip this week but it got canceled. you are relief in a way because you are not really fit for the travel, not in the sort of weather that you are in these days...

apple is the harvest of late summer/fall. and at the garden of all about yum, apples are plentiful, likewise the plums and the grapes but that is another story....

the men harvesting apple shortly after the afternoon tea....

 as a result the basket is overflow with apples...

apple is not really your favorite fruit but you eat them everyday, sometime one a day, occassionally two to three apples a day. it's all because you learned the secret of "an apple a day, keep the doctor away...". yes, you have developed the ritual of having an apple as your breakfast on those normal and "boring" work day mornings.

 in fact apples are everywhere in the garden, even before the harvesting, they are on the table.  apparently a warm spring and a wet summer is the secret for abundance harvest. you learned it that afternoon.

you brought back a bag of apples with you, and you need to do something about them soon ^.^
good night, sleep tight!

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