
Sunday, December 18, 2011


you spent almost the entire afternoon here waiting for delivery. it was raining cats and dogs, you cleaned up one room so that you can store the things that are about to deliver to you.
then you just sat here, slide open the glass door of the balcony and let the fresh air circulate room.
it's breezy and damp, you could almost feel the dampness on your skin and you fall asleep sitting here listening to the rhythm of tropical rain.  it's amazing, you have forgotten the natural sound but sitting here alone in solitude in an almost empty unit, your ears tune into the natural rhythm. and suddenly you are tuned into this song taken from the book of revelation
"""  i hear angels, singing praises. i see men from every nation, bowing down before His throne. like the sound of many waters, like a rushing wind around us. multitudes join the song. and a symphony of praise surrounds us, tears are wiped away from eyes, as men from every tongue and tribe sing. holy, holy. God Almighty. who was, who is, and is to come. all the angels are crying the Lamb who sits upon the throne."
how relevant it is to raise this song of praise to your God. it's amazes you how often you find God's presence in the nature. the tropical rain is the sound of many water, the breeze is like a rushing wind around us, the sound of the rain drops are like multitudes join the song.

likewise, you have forgotten how green your homeland was and this view just remind you about the book of isaiah 55 that "" you will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands".  this is just how close you are with your God. this place is going to be the next bethel.

the next day, after running more errands and shopping, you went back to your unit just before sunset, rushing to store your things and called it a day, and right here, you were caught in surprise by the sunset, all the way, from the balcony at the living room, every room to the master bedroom, you were blessed with a splendid sunset, that's how you draw an end to your short stay in kota kinabalu.

it also serves as a confirmation that seal your heart, you know you had made a very right decision and no matter what course you are going take in the future.

when this get posted, you already landed at a different city in your homeland, but you will be back here again in a week's time.

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