Lot's of catch ups, lots of gossips and lots of fun... The beer service is overflowing along with the Dutch party finger food (kroket balls, cheese sticks, nuggets, mini sausages, etc), nuts and chips.
I lost count on the beer I drank (I think four glass) while enjoying the chat and the company... I also lost count of how much chips and nuts I have munched on let alone the deep fried finger food.
All I know is when I checked my blood sugar when I am about to leave the office, it has risen to 16. I was shocked! I thought alcohol will lower the blood sugar level but may be I have munched too much on the junk food that high in carbohydrate...
I have to take my injection immediately to lower down my blood sugar. Anyway, it went down from 16 to 10 by the time I am ready to sleep.
Lesson learnt: All things are permissible but not everything is beneficial....
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