Osechi - the appetizer set, everything (in bite size) come with a name and meaning behind it. The first row is sweet, second row is salty and the third row is complex taste...
Otoso (おとそ) - a cup of New Year spiced sake for health and happiness
The sweet stuffs....
Kuromame(黒豆) - means Diligence. Mame, ‘bean’ in Japanese, written with different characters means ‘diligent’. People eat this dish wishing to live a ‘diligent’ new year. The glass consists of black soy beans simmered in syrup, serve with gold flakes
Tatsukuri - Bountiful harvests. Tatsukuri, literally ‘making rice fields’ is dried baby sardines that have been simmered in soy sauce. In the Edo period, dried baby sardines were used as fertilizer to enrich the soil and increase the harvest
Kinton - Puree of sweet potato with chestnuts

The savory bites...
Kosode - pink and white cod fish cake
Datemaki (伊達巻き) - Omelet rolls with shrimp paste (left)
Ogawakunsei - smoked king salmon in cuttlefish cake (right)
Karasumi(カラスミ) - Bottarga with the meaning of promotion, progress in life. It is made of the fish egg sac. This fish has different names during it’s growth stages, so its name changes as it grows up, so people eats hoping to progress in life.
Kazunoko (数の子) - Many descendants made of cured herring roe, holds an enormous number of eggs and people eat this hoping to have many descendants.
Unohana (卯の花) - Marinated herring coated in tofu flour
Kobumaki (昆布巻き) - symbolize Happiness and joy...eel wrapped with simmered kelp. Kelp is called kombu, or kobu in Japanese. Kobu is a play on the word yorokobu, which means happiness and joyThen the typical new year soup, Kamo-zouni (鴨の雑煮) - new year duck soup with sticky mochi
The sashimi Iwai Mori - consists of lightly seared scallop, blue fin tuna and lobster
The dessert, serves in a black lacquer box is called "Mizukashi". It consists of Muskmelon, a sour plum (ume) coated in syrup and gold flakes, a punnet of strawberry. Japanese Ice cream red bean (adzuki) and sake flavors and Kasutera cake with green tea (matcha) flavor and small Kyoto style hard candies...
It's an elaborated meal that took us over three hours to complete the full Monty. It would be really enjoyable and memorable if nothing had happened at the end of last year....
But now looking forward to 2010...
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