That's exactly the situation in my case. As much as the doctor also believed that the image under the hysteroscopy camera was clean and good, the outcome is opposite.... As much as I wish, I could stop with the hormone medication, I have to continue for another 3 months.
Yeah, it is not a good news, the pre-cancer, non-benign cells still presence in my cavity, the lab outcome is more or less the same as the result in June this year. These cells still presence although is a little less active compare to June.
Yes, I wonder why.... but as much as I wonder, I still hold my faith in my healer - Lord Jesus Christ. There must be a reason why I have to go through this. At this moment I cannot understand this define purpose yet... Yes, I am worry... but s much as I worry, I am not going let this stopping me to live an abundance life that described in Matthew 10:10, and I am not going to moan over my sickness ... The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, so I am going to let Him surprise me ... This is probably the last blog entry about my health as I am going to look at the brighter side of my life (I am not living in denial but just wanted to face this positively with the healing energy from Heaven above), at least what has been diagnosed is still at pre-cancer stage and the doctor stills have enough time to work on it....
Pray for me if you believe in the same God (Jesus Christ) as me, otherwise, please be understanding if I am getting weird, emotional, depressed or going through mood swing in the course of hormone treatment for the next 3 months....

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