I need to organize my thoughts for this blog entry for I don’t know where to start in the first place… there are a few topics that I want to pull together (may be a bit too ambitious) but will see how my thoughts progress… Feel free to stop reading if I start losing you…
New Season
First of all, fall is definitely here with the mid autumn festival just passed last Saturday (3rd October), Autumn in a way is always associate with a new term, new beginning. It is a new season where everyone had enjoyed and rested after the summer, and the school reopens new term… Days are getting shorter, the air becomes cool and crisp, and the temperature is dropping everyday. Trees are getting bold as the foliage started to form at the road side or in the woods area, although Autumn is beautiful but it is never my favorite season though…. To me, Autumn means hibernation, everything slows down… I always find it hard to energize myself in this season…
Newly Learnt Lesson - Humility
Fast reverse back to the month of August, the main trigger for me to start with 50% work reduction although it is due to my physical condition but everything started with a confrontation from my career counselor who accused me of things/behaviors that I have not conducted. I broke down emotionally and couldn’t even defense myself. It was left unsettled and at first I wanted to defense myself but later through a conversation with my care leader I decided to just leave it as it is. It came back to me again last week as I am close to returning to full time, and somehow last week I decided to listen to 2 different sermons from Pastor Ian Fisher who preached at our church, and one of his sermons on “Christ centered leadership” talks about humility – consider other better than yourself. Matthew 5:39 says “But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also”. I guess it is difficult for some of you to understand this verse, but the things that troubled me especially over what my career counselor has unjustly pronounced over me suddenly becomes insignificant. I don’t feel the need to defense anymore, I suddenly realize that God wants me to learn about humility and I have learned my lesson when Matthew 5:39 came to life to me.. Thank You Lord, and I know now that I have learned my lesson, You will do the justices on earth as it is in Heaven. I am going to let go of this incident and not going to make any comment or defense, I will just move on for the battle belongs to the Lord, my GOD!!!
New Doors
Yesterday I went back to office to discuss with my HR on my plan on going back full time, since I haven’t stopped with the hormone medication, so she suggests me to remain 50% this week and next week, so that I have time to recover after I stopped with medication. During the conversation she suddenly brought up an idea if I would like to change my career counselor. I was AMAZED because I have been pondering myself on how am I going to carry on the career counseling relationship with someone who have misjudge me (even though I have already let go). I was just thinking on how to work around this relationship but my HR suggestion drops a new light to me because even she believes that if I carry on with my current career counselor it would not be beneficial. I think my eyes sparkled and immediately I said YES, it would be a relief to switch to another career counselor who is more neutral and who continues to support my career development without prejudice. So now the new arrangement is being made, although it looks like I still have to do my annual interview with my current career counselor before the handover formalize… God knows what is going on in my mind and uses other to open door for me... I can't thank YOU enough, Lord!!
New Position
Awhile ago (early August) before I went on sick leave, I received a prophecy from Pastor Chris Bernard about New Position and the word of comfort through Exodus 14:13 -14, I don’t know what the new position is, may be a new position in the family, a new position at work or a new position in the ministry… well in whatever new position God wants to give it to me, I will gladly accepting it. Last week I was proposed to a position in a Dutch oil company (which I will called Sxxx here) and yesterday when I checked with my HR she told me I am over qualified and too expensive, then suddenly I got a call from a colleague who is currently working there and informed me that the client has reviewed some CVs and insisted to interview me for that position. Apparently Sxxx also has the mandate of fulfilling the diversity obligation that this role must be filled by a female which gives me an added advantage. Well, I may speak too soon now, but after the deepest and darkest valley that I have been through recently, things seem to move on in my direction, I would be happy to accept the project in Sxxx since it is so close to my home and would be easy to juggle hospital visits etc between work. The new position must have been prepared by God…. I claim it in Jesus' name. I still need to go through some internal politic and one interview in order to be staff on the position, keeping my fingers crossed and pray for me if you can…
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