I guess mine is sweet, not just sweet but extra-ordinary sweet....
Early September, I went to Seville alone and was fainted while visiting Alcazar Palace and admitted to hospital using ambulance. The nurse took my blood for research and the outcome was I had too high blood sugar in me that causing me to blackout. The blood glucose reading in Spain was 400 which is a different system use in the Netherlands.
They have to inject insuline in me and gave me some oral medication that lower the blood sugar and advised me to consult doctor upon return.
And suddenly following with intensive consultations and endless blood testing, I became a “diabetes” according to the medical definition because my blood is too "sweet... It is as if coping with one illness is not enough, one more is added to my list (but a sweet one) ....
Now I have to face this blood glucose tester (I called it blood sucking monster) 4 times a day, at a certain timing, just to see how my blood sugar behaves... My poor fingers have to go through the daily regime.... a needle poke and squeezing of a drop of blood to feed the monster...
Provera (see my previous entry) is known to worsen diabetes but not to cause diabetes, so I guess I never knew that I was high risk and through the long term consumption, I became “diabetes”. I hope this situation is temporary and that when I stopped with Provera, my diabetes will go away too... But the problem now is I cannot stop with Provera....
Then I also have to feed my tummy with my nightly injection of insulin, the amount has been increased from 10 to 22 ml now, but it doesn't seem to have effect on my sweet life, my fasting sugar level (empty stomach) is still the highest record of the day....
Then the 2 types of oral medicine that I have to take to control the blood sugar, Glimepiride 4mg (once a day) and Metformine 500 mg X2 (twice a day). These are the two that I still struggle to remember to take with my meal.....
Well, at least my life is sweet and not bitter. My sweet life is coping with a lot of daily regime lately, beside the blood sucking monster, oral medicine and nightly injection, I also have to be watchful with my food intake ... I still believe that my diabetes will go away when I stop with Provera one day....
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