
Thursday, February 07, 2013


it may be a few day earlier, but you just want to take the opportunity to wish everyone who celebrate a very happy chinese new year.
 you baked quite a lot of cookies because the longer you're away, the more you yearn to celebrate the spring festival, the south east asian way.  you know it will never be the same again even if you got the chance to go back during this period, both your parents are now return to the Lord, it's just never going to be the same again.
 but at least you can still create and bake these cookies, which frankly speaking is only the norm for singaporean and malaysian. it's not even something that other countries - hong kong, china, taiwan are used to...
you just do it because it's a reminisce of the festival, of the good and jolly time. and you try to tag each photo with some chinese auspicious words
your very first attempt of ostmanhut jelly (桂花糕), it's not photogenic in this plate and under the room light. you used a fish mould, so it does look like a scary fish, whilst in reality it's really quite pretty if you put it in a white serving plate, it's golden and clear where you can see the ostmanhut flowers and goji  clearly.

happy chinese new year if you don't at the chance to post anything until saturday which is already the eve of new year.

gong xi fa cai 恭喜发财!

p/s: scheduled post. you're very close to a place called "no worry", guess where?

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