
Monday, March 14, 2016

effective.people. 七個有績效人的習慣

you normally don't have high hope on corporate training and normally the criteria for the training is the location.  this training has the most impact in your life. the content of the training is not entirely new but the impact you received is rather powerful and long lasting. it's like a mirror that force you into self examine of your life, life mission, your interaction with others, with the society and with God. it's really food for thought overflow!
我對公司培訓的期望一般都不大. 但今次的培訓卻深深的影響了我的人生目標、觀點。雖然不能說內容全新、其實很多習慣自己都早已應用在生活中、但課程的設計卻像一面鏡子、讓我深深的自我反省、人與人,人與社會的互動、人與神的關係。感觸良多。

Sunday, March 13, 2016


you have been feasting on chinese this trip. you waited for almost an hour at royal china before you're seated.  you always thought lowlands has the best chinese dim sum in europe but you're wrong.  royal china has brought it to the next higher level.  the dim sum here is very authentic, taste of hong kong but not greasy. the interior of the restaurant is also very classy unlike any of the restaurants in china town area.  dim sum were divinely made, dainty like a piece of art.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

brown's afternoon tea::布朗酒店英式下午茶

had the most authentic english afternoon tea here in brown's.  you ordered a tea-tox set while your friend ordered a classical set.  it's a leisure afternoon sipping tea, catching up, munching small bites.  both tea sets are exquisite in its own way, though you personally prefer the tea-tox set.


after the tea, you walk to bustling west end and back to the china town area, this is a very familiar area for you, while browsing the shops/restaurants, you couldn't resist the temptation and succumb to a bowl of savory tofu curd and a big steam bun, so yummy!

late dinner at gold mines in bayswater/queensway area.  meeting up another two friends and here you had another delicious meal confluent of cantonese and malaysian chinese flavors.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


mudam is a contemporary art museum just opposite where you lodged whenever you're in luxembourg. you seized the moment during lunch hour on a not too busy afternoon and pay a visit. the architecture is great though there's not too much to see exhibition wise.  despite of that, it has a great canteen and since your main purpose is to have your lunch there, you did enjoy your leisure lunch hour very much.


Wednesday, March 09, 2016

luexmbourg master chef restaurant::盧森堡大師級餐廳

another trip to luxembourg, and you chance into a restaurant that turned out to be a delightful dinner.  a very modern and contemporary restaurant that has a 2003 france gold Champlain patisserie chef working on the dessert. you're spoil!


Tuesday, March 08, 2016

bright and sunny lake como ::晴天霹靂的科莫湖

sunshine after the rain snow, como is in spring splendor mood. you walk to the lake front after breakfast and you're definitely excited to see the different facets of como.  all the mountains and italian alps unveiled in front of you. along with the mansions and villas along the lake front. como is definitely a slice of paradise for the italian.  you just seize your moment to soak in the weather, senery and people watching. it's so different from yesterday and in fact you've seen the best of lake como in two distinct seasons.
as you walk towards the city, you stopped briefly at the electric life, a sculpture erected in the middle of the lake. it's such a playful sculpture with the reflection of the lake, sky and mountain and the reflection is constantly changing. this never cease to amaze you as the eye sculpture in chicago.
too bad you have to bid farewell to lake como as you have a flight to catch. but you're re-energize and recharge after the weekend. spending time with the nature always bring you closer to God.
goodbye lake como, if there's another chance, we'll meet again.

electriclife 藝術雕像就建在湖中央。它是為了紀念電力研發者a。 volt 而設立的。雕像用了類似玻璃倒映週邊的風景、令我想起了芝加哥公園的雲雕像 the eye、運用一樣的原理來反射周邊的建築物。在湖中央逗留了很久、天氣超好、不冷不熱、標準春天氣節。和雕像互動、玩樂溝通、拍攝。雲層的變化帶來了不少景色、可惜時間不多、離別雕像往酒店方向走、、貪吃的我在酒店附近的一家糕點咖啡廳、點了一杯卡布吉諾和一個開心果小甜點在座享用後才甘心回酒店取行李。

Monday, March 07, 2016


back to bellagio and you decided to return to como with ferry. while waiting for the scheduled departure, you hopped into another cafe and indulge yourself with coffee and sweets. it's too cold after all and the ferry journey back to como is so dreamy. you could hardly see anything on in the boat, certainly not the mountains surrounding the lake, but it's an amazing experience and you're thankful.

Sunday, March 06, 2016


varrena in snow! it's serene and pretty. i'ts definitely an experience to visit the italian lake district in snow.  according to one of the store owner that chatted with you, it's rare to experience such a heavy snow and you got it all right.
you won't mind the snow but it's just too cold to wander around and you have to resort to a pizzeria to warm your body and refuel your energy.  all in all, it's a good experience that you couldn't ask for more. oh well, when life gives you snow, might as well enjoy, appreciate and embrace it.

走著走著就到了所謂的鎮中心、在一家店和店主聊了起來、他說我幸運可以經歷科莫湖的雪景因為科莫湖區下雪的天氣寥寥無幾。但我心中最想要的是藍天白雲的科莫湖呀! 既然來了、盡量享受這非一般的科莫湖罷。

Saturday, March 05, 2016


when you woke up the next day, como already drizzling in rain. you have already planned to visit two village this trip, so regardless of rain or shine, you depart as planned. you first wanted to take the ferry but the service is irregular outside of the touristic months, so you depart for bellagio by bus.  about an hour journey and you reached bellagio, not much scenery to see along the way, the drizzle rain becomes snowy sleet by the time you reached bellagio.
it's very cold, there's no sign of human on the streets of bellagio, the temperature is very low, so you have to hop in and out shops to keep yourself warm.  you could have wander a bit further if not because of the weather and temperature.  the sleet is now turning into powdery snow and you almost lost your body temperature so you seek shelter in a cafe and that's where you decided to venture to the next village once your body temperature picks up.
the ferry service between bellagio and varenna is very frequent, so you walk to the jetty, got your ticket, hop on to the ferry and bound for a very short service to varrena.
bellagio is really beautiful as you look out from the ferry.  regardless of the weather, you did enjoy your brief stay at bellagio.
一早起床、科莫市已經下著毛毛雨。原本來科莫湖就想順道拜訪湖中部的兩個知名小鎮。所以不管晴天大雨行程照舊。 初步是以渡輪為主、但後來發現冬季渡輪服務次數很少、幾經考慮決定早上以巴士代步。科莫市到Bellagio大概需要一個多小時的車程。趕上了九點的班車。路程還好、原本風景優美但因為下雨、視線模糊了、遠處的山景和湖景都被霧霾籠罩。一路過來雨變成雪霜、抵達Bellagio時已一片雪白、白雪飄飄、氣溫很低。

Friday, March 04, 2016


 leaving milan for lake como
within 45min, you already arrived in como, checked in and roam around they city. first stop catching the sunset on top of the hill that over looking lake como. the funicular took a lot of time but you're not in the hurry so it's a pleasure to wait and roam up hill slowly
 you definitely loved your outlook from the top
 and your stroll at brunate, small but quaint village with stunning view... some time you really don't mind a journey along, because then you can stop, pause or move on as you wish. that's certainly the plus point for solo traveler.
 you came down and walk to the city center and pause at loft for a cup of coffee.  you feel cold after a few hours venturing at the hill top.  loft is extra quiet as you come after the prime afternoon coffee break and just before the aperitif session.  nevertheless, you enjoy this place.
you left loft and went to another bar for an aperitif and might as well called this dinner with a drink, you are entitle to nibble from the full service of small bites at the bar counter.  this will do for you as dinner and calling it a night.


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