
Saturday, March 05, 2016


when you woke up the next day, como already drizzling in rain. you have already planned to visit two village this trip, so regardless of rain or shine, you depart as planned. you first wanted to take the ferry but the service is irregular outside of the touristic months, so you depart for bellagio by bus.  about an hour journey and you reached bellagio, not much scenery to see along the way, the drizzle rain becomes snowy sleet by the time you reached bellagio.
it's very cold, there's no sign of human on the streets of bellagio, the temperature is very low, so you have to hop in and out shops to keep yourself warm.  you could have wander a bit further if not because of the weather and temperature.  the sleet is now turning into powdery snow and you almost lost your body temperature so you seek shelter in a cafe and that's where you decided to venture to the next village once your body temperature picks up.
the ferry service between bellagio and varenna is very frequent, so you walk to the jetty, got your ticket, hop on to the ferry and bound for a very short service to varrena.
bellagio is really beautiful as you look out from the ferry.  regardless of the weather, you did enjoy your brief stay at bellagio.
一早起床、科莫市已經下著毛毛雨。原本來科莫湖就想順道拜訪湖中部的兩個知名小鎮。所以不管晴天大雨行程照舊。 初步是以渡輪為主、但後來發現冬季渡輪服務次數很少、幾經考慮決定早上以巴士代步。科莫市到Bellagio大概需要一個多小時的車程。趕上了九點的班車。路程還好、原本風景優美但因為下雨、視線模糊了、遠處的山景和湖景都被霧霾籠罩。一路過來雨變成雪霜、抵達Bellagio時已一片雪白、白雪飄飄、氣溫很低。

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