
Tuesday, March 08, 2016

bright and sunny lake como ::晴天霹靂的科莫湖

sunshine after the rain snow, como is in spring splendor mood. you walk to the lake front after breakfast and you're definitely excited to see the different facets of como.  all the mountains and italian alps unveiled in front of you. along with the mansions and villas along the lake front. como is definitely a slice of paradise for the italian.  you just seize your moment to soak in the weather, senery and people watching. it's so different from yesterday and in fact you've seen the best of lake como in two distinct seasons.
as you walk towards the city, you stopped briefly at the electric life, a sculpture erected in the middle of the lake. it's such a playful sculpture with the reflection of the lake, sky and mountain and the reflection is constantly changing. this never cease to amaze you as the eye sculpture in chicago.
too bad you have to bid farewell to lake como as you have a flight to catch. but you're re-energize and recharge after the weekend. spending time with the nature always bring you closer to God.
goodbye lake como, if there's another chance, we'll meet again.

electriclife 藝術雕像就建在湖中央。它是為了紀念電力研發者a。 volt 而設立的。雕像用了類似玻璃倒映週邊的風景、令我想起了芝加哥公園的雲雕像 the eye、運用一樣的原理來反射周邊的建築物。在湖中央逗留了很久、天氣超好、不冷不熱、標準春天氣節。和雕像互動、玩樂溝通、拍攝。雲層的變化帶來了不少景色、可惜時間不多、離別雕像往酒店方向走、、貪吃的我在酒店附近的一家糕點咖啡廳、點了一杯卡布吉諾和一個開心果小甜點在座享用後才甘心回酒店取行李。

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