varrena in snow! it's serene and pretty. i'ts definitely an experience to visit the italian lake district in snow. according to one of the store owner that chatted with you, it's rare to experience such a heavy snow and you got it all right.
you won't mind the snow but it's just too cold to wander around and you have to resort to a pizzeria to warm your body and refuel your energy. all in all, it's a good experience that you couldn't ask for more. oh well, when life gives you snow, might as well enjoy, appreciate and embrace it.
走著走著就到了所謂的鎮中心、在一家店和店主聊了起來、他說我幸運可以經歷科莫湖的雪景因為科莫湖區下雪的天氣寥寥無幾。但我心中最想要的是藍天白雲的科莫湖呀! 既然來了、盡量享受這非一般的科莫湖罷。
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