
Friday, January 17, 2014

the week in geneva in a nutshell...
the morning is normally misty due to the proximity of the lake...
your client served you the assorted viennoiserie which were yummy and they stay crisps all day, otherwise you could feast on the healthier option to avoid sugar rush...
 dinner is usually extremely late and always at the same place, i.e. the restaurant next to the hotel where you lodged.  the first night was the quinoa risotto with scallops. delicious without the creamy sauce...
 second night due to the unexpected drama and pressure at work, you and your colleague opt for the swiss fondue despite of eating at late night and knowing you both had bulk to work on after the dinner. the fondue was good, and give you a momentary relief
on the third night, you're pretty much flat from the late nights and being caught in the politic situation and hence you just had a beef tartare. the tartare is really tasty and you consume it all washing down with a glass of local wine.

as you eat this, you feel the same on the last night after been through three full days of disagreement, and constantly changing the topics and agenda to the dot that you start your session.
it's crazy, it's insane and much to your surprise you remained calm and professional in interacting with your client and your partner.  you manage to set the emotion and the mental torture aside.  but the feeling is raw (like the beef tartare).

it's not a pleasant feeling, you literally walk out of the client office, feeling relief and almost collapse mentally.
and that's the summary of your week in geneva, despite that you've made the best out of the worst situation for all parties, but this is not what you want to go through again.

Isaiah 41:10 so do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

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