
Wednesday, September 16, 2015


 work hasn't been easy on you, you're stressed and feeling low. you suspect it's more a mood swing due to the day of the month but you're pretty low when you leave your client site for milan.  you always allow yourself to 2 eggs whenever you have a overnight layover. the morning as such is usally a bit free since you only have a flight to catch and no client meeting.  when your sunny side eggs were served along with the chicken frankfurters, you finally smile! as you have been praying the night before due to the stress and low spirit, you're glad that God enlightening you through your breakfast.  you really feel so as the night before you had a dream or a vision that you almost have the peek of Jesus smiling to you.  you cried out really hard of course that but by the time you go for your breakfast you're determine that happiness is a choice.
and you're being served with a special piece of freshly made waffle. the choice of freshly made waffles were not there before but you like it being bright and cheerful.

psalm 28:7 the joy of the Lord is my strength.

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