
Friday, November 16, 2012

chanced into saatchi gallery at sloanne square area after you are done with your dessert bar at william curley. your original intention was to walk to victoria and albert museum at south kensington, first to walk off the calories and second to catch the current exhibition. but you got carried away and bump into saatchi gallery instead.
 love the portrait photography
 very real
there are other exhibitions as well...

a beautiful mind ^^

it was overly crowded when you're there. but that didn't spoiled your mood for browsing and you kinda love the simplicity expression of arts here.

writing this, you are back to lowland.  you had continuous headache and when you checked your blood pressure, it's on the high side again.  it caught you by surprise as your worst and peak working season just finished a week ago. if it would be spike high, it should happen two weeks ago. then again, may be your body is giving you distress signal that you need to rest and spot. so you took the chance and went for a good session of zumba and sauna. you feel good and fit again.  vitality is important to life!

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