
Tuesday, October 21, 2014


saint vitale, your first visit to one of the many mosaic monuments in the city.
from the outside, the cathedral looks somber, almost like an ordinary brick house/building.
but inside you're wowed by the mosaic on the floor, then the renaissance fresco in most part of the ceiling but the gem is one corner where it's decorated with flourish mosaic.
 above all, you could tell Jesus is the center! that's it, Jesus is the center of the church.
these are some disciples that you don't recognized but most of the stories en-craved with mosaic are familiar to you.  you stood in awe as you appreciate the mosaic and amazed at the beauty of such creations that look so real. you know this is the untwisted truth from the early Christianity where the mosaic were constructed just 300 - 400 years after the death of Jesus, where everything still pure and genuine before the roman catholic regime comes into picture.

constructed in 548ad, it's one of the most important of early christian art. the eastern influence has a dominate role here, a basilica with rave and two aisles but a central octagonal plan topped by a large cupola.  inside saint vitale, the eyes are drawn to to the mosaic decorations of apse with the extra ordinary representation of byzantine imperial couple, justinaian and theodora.

back to your travel story... as this is a stay put week for you.  the weather is getting colder by day, and a strong wind is sweeping over the lowland, stay safe everyone

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