
Saturday, March 14, 2015


 it's been a lot of parties and gathering lately, there's a lot to celebrate and today it's a full moon celebration of a baby girl.  that explained the appearance of red eggs and angku kuih.
 and a variety of curry and chicken to satisfy the guests.
 plus many more snacks for the kids....

needless to say, it's another "full" day stomach wise. you enjoy mingle around and chatting with your friends whom you've not seen for awhile.
fasting wise, you failed big time with all these occasions coming along in the month of march, but you're doing well with praying.  at least you consciously channel your energy and focus to the Lord by spending more time in praying, interceding for some matters.

psalm 2:8 Ask of Me, and I will give You , the nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession

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