
Friday, February 25, 2011


 dinner for one.  i can only cook in weekend as week day is so busy that i am normally too tired to cook.  inspired by daily obsession, i made gyuniku negimaki tonight.
i so loved the aroma of the don sauce (i didn't use terayaki sauce, but figure out the don sauce here would be similar to teriyaki sauce) and butter caramelized.  sizzling hot!
japanese beef rollwagyu (和牛) beef and super fresh enoki.  actually the most time consuming part is to wait for the wagyu to thaw at room temperature.  they are to delicate to defrost in the microwave
spring baby green flowers, the sprouts of the vegetables before it turn into leaves, very young.  i started to fall in love with the choices of vegetables here in tokyo, it's a little more expensive than the lowland but i am spoilt with choices here.

i read in a japanese magazine at 42nd floor the other morning during breakfast, and learned about how this young baby green flower can be cooked.  from the picture of the magazine, i figure it out that it's simply just chopped them into bite size and boiled them in dashi soup. then pour it over a bowl of white rice.  it's a taste of spring.

black sesame tofu.  tofu choices are endless here. i bought another two different types of tofu to try. for this one i just eat it cold, a bit of chili sesame oil, shoyu and some furikake.  simple and easy.
dinner for one.  there is no need to cook here as eating out or take away is generally cheaper than cooking yourself. but cooking relaxes me, and i enjoying going to the supermarket and check out the fresh produce.  cooking it this way makes me eat more vegetables, which is hard to come by when eating bento at work.
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