
Friday, August 10, 2012

it's interesting sometime to see the circumstances can change one's behavior in your household.
a fruit cake not baked by you but by your dear chef. this is his third attempts on baking since you know him. 

a fruit cake follow a dutch recipe book.  the book consists of all rustic dutch bakes, nothing finesse, nothing elegant. they are just day to day treats that you can find at any dutch bakery, yet learning them is a great progress for him.
the end result is really not bad, especially he used the rose silicone mold to bake it.
perhaps it's because of your circumstances, you have not bake for awhile. chef used to munch on cakes when you were alive and kicking and now that he misses them, the only way to get hold of cake is to buy them from the dutch bakery or bake it himself.  he opts for baking, first attempt is really a pack of cake mix, a dutch spice cake which both of you find it overly sweet and distaste it.
second attempt was based on your favorite recipe book okashi, where he baked his favorite - an old fashion pound cake in stress.  yet he got a decent result on the butter pound cake, when it's done your SIL and family were visiting you and the cake went really well when it's freshly baked out from the oven.

look like the days ahead will be more baking done by him than you.  you are happy to have some home baked treats while you start to get busier with your work again. back to work. back to life. back to reality.

it's friday, you are relief, a short pause from work.  this weekend is going to be filled with fine weather is ahead. you hope to be a toursit in one of the dutch cities.

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