
Sunday, January 27, 2013


this is probably your last cny baking saga this week.  pineapple tart, your very first attempt ever!
however looking at the oversize pineapple jam ball on a rather small pastry, it looks like sunflower to you somehow. perhaps you had enough of winter cold and really looking fast forward looking to summer where sunflower is at its best!
the making of pineapple jam is consuming, you tried both making from fresh pineapple and from the can pineapple.  it takes about the same time, almost 2 hours of continuously stirring at low flame to get to the right consistency. your pastry is a success after checking on numerous blogs and finally settle to one that you want to try, really just based on gut feeling that this recipe would work for you.
when the dough gets too soft to stamp with the mould, you decided to play with free hand and wrap the pineapple jam balls with a pastry and shape them into a miniature pineapple shapes. taste wise, you love it! the pastry is flaky and the pineapple jam is sweet with a tint of citrus sourness, a perfect combination for your taste bug.

you will probably refrain from making pineapple tart if you have a few c gatherings around as your talented friends will probably made them, however, since you aren't going to any of those, and this is probably the only cny cookies that you missed, you have to make them.  you understand the time and effort needed to make these little goodies, certainly salute  friends who made and share with you unconditionally. that's said, you're happy you made the very first attempt ever, a pat on your shoulder.

happy sunday. you are jetsetting again, so it will only more stories of london and a pause to cny baking saga!

have a blessed week ahead!


Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

Lovely flowery pineapple tarts! ;)

malaymui said...

Merci Kit!
it's an extremely big sun flower pineapple tart ^^

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