
Sunday, August 25, 2013


a wedding that you attended yesterday
 first the holy matrimony
 the display in the church, very nice and appropriate. to you this depicts the lamb, not just merely a lamb but the lamb of God, Jesus!
 at the end of the service, mr and mrs...
 the reception with some snacks and beautiful cupcakes
 and a door gift to go...
 in the evening, the dinner banquet at a hotel, guests must first take an instant photo, then take the photo to the counter where the photo will be glue to the guest book, and guest will leave the wishes to the couple as well....
 the hall...
 another door gift, this time is a pair of korean chopstick....
the buffet is not bad at all, with plenty of choices to choose from, needless to say a tummy happy saturday and certainly a joyous day for the newly wed couple and the family.

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