
Monday, August 03, 2015

 when life gives you sunshine, make aperal spritz out of it! you new acquaintance this season, it's none other than the italian summer cocktails.  you love the color and the taste that ends with a bit of bitterness...
 and instead of your usual gym routine, you went out for a ride with him.  just make a round circuit of the pond and to the lake.  you look at the migrant birds congregating on one roof top, it gives you the feeling that the summer season that you're enjoying is soon coming to an end as the birds are migrating to the south once again. you may be wrong with this theory but being in the month of august now does mean the half of summer is gone...
and at the lake, you look at the sunset and you know your life is beautiful, purposeful because of Him

you're staying put this (and next) week, as such when the weather is fine, you actually got the
opportunity to enjoy to the fullest.

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