
Wednesday, August 26, 2015


it's a long overdue appointment but you finally have your dear friend cum sister from church over for an elaborated italian lunch.  it's no longer in the garden setting but it's still equally enjoyable in the dining room.
you missed this type of fellowship where all taking time to dine, chit chat, update and encourage one another.

something happened recently in your circle of life (and also affected a number of other people) and despite her husband is the victim, you don't see any resentment or unforgiveness in his eyes.  on the contrary, you chatted constructively about the incident and also face time with another couple who is now residing in malaysia to inform them the situation (incident).  after all, who has no wrong and God has given us the second chance or even third an fourth chance, and thus who are you(we) all to judge somebody. you're determined to help, in small and little way, provided the other party is willing and open for help.

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