
Saturday, August 22, 2015


 this is a temporary institution from may to october.  you decided to check this out since milan is really a shopping paradise and since you're not in the shopping mood, food browsing in less international tourist spot is probably the best option.
 the market opens at 11am daily, you're here just after 11am and it's still rather empty.
 business has started but the customers are few hence making it a very leisure experience to stroll and browse..
 there's a market at the end of the converted barn. here you saw your favorite fruits purple and green figs but they're just too fragile to haul back to lowland...
 some interesting drinks and the deceiving chocolate (which you had a taste and it's good)
 the freshly peeled potato chips deep fried on the spot and many other choices for lunch or dinner
 and the dessert, you would have grab a millefogilie if the owner is mending his store when you ordered your coffee next door.
at the end you just had an award wining coffee bean flat white.  next time you will have light or no breakfast if you ever come back again to this market before october.
and this is really milan's answer to london's borough market or barcelorna's mercat de la borgueria. 

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