
Wednesday, February 17, 2016


you love the last day of your business trip to italy, since you're not able to catch the last flight home the night before, you always have the opportunity to layover for a night in milan.  the day is usually less busy and today besides the call with india, the rest of the time is pretty much at your disposal.  that being said, you have not more than 3 hours of free time before you catch your flight home.


you went ot avril xxv, just a bit of strolling and window shopping, you drop by 10 corso como too, a very high end, luxury boutique that's too pricey for you. you love the concept and the two exhibition centers.
所以就去了avril xxv 附近诳诳、順便去了10 corso como 的專賣店。店裡賣的時裝很高檔、對我來說是高不可攀的。但我喜歡它的概念、有兩個展覽館.

this time there is a photography exhibition and a japanese photo coloring exhibition.  great space to transport you out of your hectic work situation.

the cafe is like an oasis, it's very green, a little morocco patio style but lovely, cozy and inviting nonetheless.  the guests can truly enjoy the greenery amidst the coffee break or while dining.  some times little birds will fly to your table to beg for some food but they are not aggressive.  the berad and veg sticks is courtesy of the house, your lunch choice is a tad too healthy, just humus with vegetables, you like it this way to balance off the over eating in the past few evening.

the cappuccino is served like a finale with cookies and fruits.  how lovely, you wish to dwell longer but unfortunately you have a flight to catch!

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