
Sunday, February 14, 2016


 you decided to stay put in the resort today, after all you should enjoy the facilities...
 the common area, with fountains, water and lots of sunshine ^^
 the outdoor pool, it's still a tad to cold to take a punch
 the beach, it's still a tad quiet this time of the year
 the gym and the indoor pool where you swam and sweat.  a much needed sports after frequent feasting and heavy meals
 your apartments, a bit classic look but it's luxurious and comfortable
the balcony with a view and the seasonal fruits your favorite strawberries
 another gym session, pilates to sweat further

you could cook in your apartment, but decided to dine in the in house restaurant since it's valentine's day.  the restaurant is full house with a lot of balloons to touch up the "love is in the air" atmosphere and live band performing.  you're here for the food. while you take only starter (octopus) and dessert, he had a three course meal including the fiduea.
seriously if it's not because of the campaign of the resort, you will not be able to stay here. it's such a luxury and you're thankful for a teeny price, you have the maximum indulgence in a 5 stars resort.  God is good.
happy valentine's

今天決定做個大宅女、留在渡假村院裡。陽光、沙灘、椰樹、大風、下雨、該有不該有的都全來了。海邊雖然陽光纏爛但不宜久留、畢竟氣溫不夠高、不宜戶外活動。結果在室內游泳池積極進行了30分鐘蛙式泳、終於揮汗了、這段日子、農曆新年的餐聚、加上出差的大喝大吃、沒太多機會做運動、胖來兩公斤。有機會度假、難得有時間活動筋骨。 揮汗了就對的起自己的身體。

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