
Friday, October 28, 2011


imagine a man who designed such astonished architectures in the city of barcelona.  it's amazing to just stand there to admire from a distance.
you had a quick glimpse of casa battlo ten years ago, knowing that it's a fantasy house designed by a guy called antoni gaudi.  you didn't have much appreciation about architectures then.
ten years later, you stood again in front of casa battlo on the first night of your arrival to the barcelona city knowing in your heart that you are ready to pay the "expensive" entrance fee to get to know antoni gaudi a little better from within.
you went in two days later on a rainy afternoon. perhaps it's not the best time of the day as it's really crowded that you cannot appreciate gaudi's creation fully.  the entrance to the first floor, knowing gaudi a little, you are not expecting any straight line, the stair way is a like a wave, channeling you to the depth of the sea - the main living area.
at the living room area, you are overwhelmed by the design of the doors, although the audio guide says this is more like representing the underwater world, but you feel more like you are stepping into a world of fantasy, standing in awe of the non straight line objects, appreciating the tinted glass on the door, if only, there's less tourists.

indeed nothing is straight, not the window, not the door frame either.
walking up the stairs to the attic and the roof top, you peep into here and there trying to discover something new. you got a very momentary of solitude at the attic, all by yourself...
 you look into details, you like the gold painted door and the azur blue tiles...
you discovered even more azur tiles and how gaudi has carefully thought over the entire tile wall seamlessly to create nothing but a unify azur color by using the darker color tiles on the higher floor and gradually to the lighter shade at the lower floor considering the amount of sunlight will get through. he is a genius and a master in architecture design for sure during his time and even today.

the sunlight has a say on the size of the window too, the higher the floor, the smaller the window, simply because the higher floor gets more sunshine. that demonstrate gaudi is a fair guy...

the mosaic at the terrace and some displays of the old photos at the resting area.  you enjoyed the visit very much but casa battlo remains a fantasy house to you, your heart is more leaning towards casa mila which will be a different story.
finally at the shop, all things are bright and beautiful, every merchandised is very gaudi in style.  needless to say you didn't get anything, you have bypass the tourist stage.

yet to your surprise, he gave you this little colorful bracelet that night. a little girlie but very gaudi.

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