
Saturday, October 08, 2011


apple. i mean apple. the apple that change the world.
a colleague of mine forwarded this illustration to me and i read it somewhere, there are three most important apples in the world (till now).
first apple - the apple (fruit of wisdom) that adam and eve ate, all the way back to the early chapters of genesis in the bible. that's a forbidden fruit and because of the sin, the world we live in is the consequences...
second apple - the guy was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree. isaac newton formed the force of gravity. a pastor once uses the theory of gravity to describe about the existence of God, that whether we believe or not in God's existence, He is like the theory of gravity, you can't see it but it exists...
third apple - steve jobs the ceo who recently stepped down from apple inc and then passed away. the man who has set the trends and transformed the world of technology and computing. ask any two year old kids, they know how to touch screen, steve has made technology so intuitive that even a kid can handle it.
but one thing for sure, men sinned.
second thing i know, God exists.
lastly one thing i learned from steve jobs, pursue life and be passionate of what you like but my conclusion is surely wealth cannot buy health.

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