
Wednesday, June 24, 2015


you went cycling to anping, but before you go, you visited the east market ( 東市場) which according to your friend may be demolish soon.
it's bustling and full of action, though you hardly see any younger generation here
the famous pork trotter and the butcher and the interior architecture of the market reminded you of the famous market street in kyoto.
 peeling of sweet corn skin, almost like a shop floor operation
some stalls selling food but you didn't have the appetite to eat early in the morning right after your breakfast
 then you visited the 中華聖母堂, a catholic church that you thought you saw once in a taiwan movie but at the end concluded its not this one.
the mass was on when you visited so you didn't really enter even after a few persuasion from one of the congregation.
then you cycle to anping but due to the rain, you pause at 臺南客家文化會館 and chance in to an art exhibition and some Hakka display, you saw the hakka print again...
 and manage to strike a conversation with one of the voluntary guide that referred you to the office to inquire about the hakka textile
 the display while not extensive but certainly comprehensive.  a good use of you time while waiting for the rain to stop.

next stop, anping!

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