
Friday, November 18, 2011


meeting old acquaintance in geneva is something least expected. you already bump into many people since the day you rejoined the company but meeting a few of them at one occasion and being part of the team again is a strange feeling.  let's say some 10 years ago in the asia setting in hong kong, in singapore and in china when you all first met. those were the good old days. time when you were much younger, when china just opened up and the stock options doubled its price and split, everything were good, everyone was merry. 

after work you meet up with them for dinner and little you know with the wine flowing, food being served and conversation traveled all the way back to beijing,  shanghai, hong kong, san francisco, las vegas and more tales of cities. more forgotten names being mentioned, more recollection of memories, faces surfaced in your mind again. and more accounts on the exotic food you all tried (in china), how drunk you all were (in chime, singapore) and the speeches you all presented and delivered in various conferences and client meetings. 

those were really the days (traveling wonderful again). and the same people you met again in the almost the same company (after the acquisition). just that all of you are little older, one remain single and merry, the other couldn't read the bill as the font was too small. same group of people, same chemistry, same charisma. it feels like none of you really left the company during the acquisition at all, whilst in reality all of you went different paths, and now reunite again for some great and revolutionary in the market.

geneva is not an exciting city, this trip could be ordinary and dull but because of them the trip is full of excitement and a great journey down the memory lane. and you can't wait to meet again next week, in the same city again.


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