
Thursday, January 12, 2006

First Victory in The Year of Victory

I am sure you will not believe this....

At around 4:30 to 5:00pm, while I was on the train from Gälve to Arlanda, on my usual home trip, I had this long conversation with my Swedish manager and he disagreed on giving me a positive promotion input that is due tomorrow 3pm. I tried to convince him but I didn't succeded until the bad reception that we have to stop the conversation.
I prayed very hard and wondered why this happen and trying to formulate some influencial strategy (use my human reasoning) to convince the Swedish manager later. My Lord is amazing and His way is above my ways and His thought is above my thoughts so as the heaven is above the earth.
The next time when I called the manager, just about to start my conversation, he said he has made up his mind. My heart dropped for a moment, because according the conversation awhile ago, he is not supporting my promotion. BUT, he has made up his mind to put for recommendations for my promotion!!! And he gave completely different rationale on why he is supporting me now....
My Lord is real and He is wonderful and this is the very first Victory that I have experience this year and more are to come.....
Viva The Year of Victory - 2006.
Time to go to catch my flight, I might be blogging later..

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