
Saturday, November 06, 2010


it's been a busy day.... woke up early in the morning to decorate the bridal shower cake. couldn't decide if i want to turn the barbie into an elegant bride standing in white fondant wedding gown or do something funny... on second thought, she will have her elegant moment on next tuesday so the barbie decides to soak into a rose scented hot bath, after all this is not a wedding cake but bridal shower.... it took me awhile to sort out her long hair, should i let it down or tie it up.... she comes....
i made extra chantilly cream as i need a lot more for the bubble bath....

a pink fondant towel with their initial "T & R" and i decide to put the pair of pink high heels next to the towel...

the side view.... i was struggling with the natural light to take the photo as mr sunshine is quite shy today, showing up and hiding away in split second... is november already, so these photos are probably taken over two or three hours when i spot the moment and quick enough to catch the sunshine in the photo...
the back view....
the cake has its "wow" moment when it is presented to her at the high tea venue.... she recognized all the elements, the hairdo is like hers, the rose is what she loves most... after the high tea, we brought the cake to another restaurant where the cake is presented to both T &R after the dinner and is all eaten up....
the groom has to lick up the chantilly bubble bath on the barbie at the restaurant after everyone has a piece and second helping...
i am tired but it's been a fun day!

1 comment:

terri@adailyobsession said...

wow, el, what a pretty cake! your're a good friend indeed.

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