
Thursday, November 25, 2010


when he asked me what I want to eat for dinner, I said “stew " or "thick soup”… I was thinking of the Hungarian goulash, dutch erwtensoep (thick pea soup) or some broad bean soup which is think, rich and hearty enough to eat on its own, dip with some warm bread…

but we end up eating a pot of “stew” but not european but japanese style hotpot - hōtō. we did the shortcut way and i try to arrange the ingredients nicely in the pot and here is the vegetable pot
as we have different ingredients simmered in the pot, the miso soup got thicken up and absorb all the flavors of the seafood, root vegetables and tofu.
so we did have “thick soup” but with a japanese inspired asian twist.  the scallops were purchased in saint malo since august, where we brought them back in cool box and freeze them up for rainy day....

happy thanksgiving for those of you who are celebrating this special occasion.  although in my opinion giving thanks should not be done only on a particular day but every day!!!  we are expecting some snow today, some parts of the lowland already snowed but i haven't see a sign of snow yet and the forecast expecting light snow tonight.  i hope i will wake up to see a layer of snow tomorrow!!

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