
Monday, November 22, 2010


this is probably one of his signature dishes.  i am not a real pork fan not especially when it comes to pork belly meat (or we sometime called this three layer meat 三层肉)but when he makes this, i usually will have at least an inch or maximum three inches… 
when he started to experience this dish - roast pork belly (烧肉火腩), I am against the idea as it’s all about meat, MEAT, MEAT!!! plus it is the fatty and thus unhealthy…

at a number of occasions when we have to bring a dish or two, or when we are hosting dinner for friends at home, the roast pork belly (烧肉火腩) somehow comes in handy.  it can be prepare in advance, at least the marinate part, and can be roasted a few hours in advance too as you are not suppose to eat it hot.  he somehow easily create the cracking and crispy skin without any difficulty.  this dish usually is wiped clean in split seconds when we serve it …
to minimize the possible intake, i usually eat it with a small bowl of rice, turning the dish into yakibuta don, a fancy Japanese dish - none other than a bowl of rice (gohan) top with roasted (yaki) pork (buta) in a bowl and it becomes a dish called yakibuta don. 

so here is my two variations of yakibuta ton from two different occasions when he made this dish. a few slices of roasted pork, some seaweed, shishimi peppers, spring onion and a splash of soy sauce, perhaps with a onsen egg (half cooked egg) if you want a little substantial meal… 
or just like this, may be with some pickled ginger or anything that would compliments the roasted pork belly...  in the winter, this is actually quite satisfying...
we are expecting some snow later this week, this could be a dish that keeps me warm and gives me the extra energies (fat) to embrace the snow...

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