
Wednesday, April 06, 2011


this morning you received an email from relocation department of japan informing you that they will remove your stuffs from the apartment and ship them back to you.  for a moment you also believe that it is gameover for your adventure to japan.  but your hubby still says you will be there this week, just believe in God who has opened the door and if it is His will you shall be there.  it's hard to believe in such moment like this, i have strong faith in God but the circumstances just confirm the otherwise.
while you continue your work and calls, and out of the blue, your human resource called you and informed you that your travel is approved. it was... let's say "out of no where, out of the blue". just a few hours ago, you were confronted by the removal of your stuff from your apartment, the next hour your trip is APPROVED!!!
you feel total relief, not that you are eager to go to tokyo but just that you cannot take the fact that you continue to work on the things of tokyo while you are in the lowland. it's just too tormenting.   you inform your tokyo office and you get your ticket and you will be on the flight tomorrow.  the luggage is already packed two weeks ago although it's in a little unpack stage. 
and now you wonder, even when you return, will you do the same thing again...
like this....
before the earthquake, this is your rituals on saturday morning....
you take the lift to the famous forty second floor. 
you have to change on the forthteen floor in order to get yourself to fourty second floor.
you went up first for a cozy and leisure "take your time" breakfast at the lounge.
and then you move to the spa....

 you grab your towels, undress and get into the wet room

you step into the shower/bath area.  it has a traditional shower with a stool to sit on and a basin to pour water to yourself. after a good wash up...
and you soak in the sento (hot bath) to relax... sometime to the cold bath too to feel the contrast of temperature...
and when you are done, you will sit at the corner of the dressing table with this view and blow dry your hair.
you wonder now if you will ever do this sort of indulgence again, not because you are afraid of the height, or the earthquake, or the radiation in the water. you just know that tokyo will never be the same and your will never feel the same when you step into tokyo on friday morning.

you are there for a different purpose. a new discovered purpose.

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Louvregirl said...

Check out this post with a photo of a goat named "Japan..." Pretty You can link to it on my blog, too.

malaymui said...

Thanks, LG! I will check it out :)

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