
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

tokyo is constantly on the move.  
this morning you woke up extremely early because you have a sunny date with sakura and most importantly you have a call starting at 8am.  so yo arise and shine, and instead of heading to your usual metro station, you walk to shiba koen (芝公園).  the sky is extremely blue and not a single cloud or crowd.  it was 6.30am when you were here.  you enjoy your moment of serenity.  you had a good conversation with God in your prayer and  you pray for japan.

 shibakoen and especially the compound of zojoji looks very different from your last visit (exactly a month ago).  this time round sakura is all around to accompany the lonely tokyo tower from a distance.
 cherry blossom is just so pretty and you get to know th different spices of them too.  you like this type very much. pale pink and growing in a bunch like a flower ball.  pretty, just by the look of it already worth the morning trip.
 you just stand here and observe the scenery, you wish you have your sketchbook, watercolor and start drawing and painting.  but the fact is you are in your work attire and you have to watch out of your time.
pink weeping sakura and blue sky is such a perfect combination.

 you didn't want to go, but you have to, your time in shibakoen is up.  so you head to the main gate. sakura tried to hold you back and keep you from leaving. but you know there is a time and season for every activity under the sun.
now is the time to go to work.
you look back, bid sayonara to tokyo tower, zojoji(増上寺) and sakura.  you know in a few days this scenery, these blossom will wither and green leaves will pop up on these tree.  new life. new season. new tokyo. new season.

tokyo is constantly on the move.  there are a few earthquakes and aftershocks.  the platform is constantly moving and shifting.  you installed an iphone app that alert you 10 seconds before an earthquake hit your location.  you set your alert to level three and above and still you received more than 5 alerts a day.  the moving sensation is constantly felt, it's like you are in motion sickness yet you have no fear but more opportunities.  opportunities to share and testify the goodness of the Lord.  you are ever more peaceful.  you are not naive, you read and follow the latest development of situation, fugushima especially. you are taking the right precaution if needed but at this moment there is just nothing to worry about in tokyo.
your sakura world may be constantly moving and shaken, though you stumble, you will not fall, for the LORD upholds you with his hand.  this is what the Lord speaks to you today through psalm 37:24.

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